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Thread: Surgery and Gear, Need Help?

  1. #1

    Surgery and Gear, Need Help?

    I was in the middle of a cycle and had to have surgery. I was wondering will being on gear after surgery effect me negativelly at all?
    Will I heal slightly faster from since Im on?
    I have heard from some that being on gear after a cycle can make it so you wont heal right, any validity in that?

    Would really apprecite any help guys.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2005
    In the foothills
    Dont know about validity to that statement.

    I personally would get off and start PCT immediately. No sense in putting your body through that if your not lifting and training pretty hard.

    If its major surgery, Im thinking talk to your doctor first. So...any docs on the board?

  3. #3
    I guess what Im looking for "opinion wise" is using gear while in recovery wont really hurt me will it? I cant lift for a few weeks and thought I would just keep running my stuff in order to keep muscle loss to a minimum.

  4. #4
    Dizz28's Avatar
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    They are known to suppress the immune system but that's not anything you can quickly fix by stopping and starting a PCT.

  5. #5
    I think the impact would depend on what surgery you had. Was it major/minor? An organ/muscle?

  6. #6
    Surgery was on my leg. I tore a small part of the muscle. They went in and kind of stiched and stapled it back together.
    I was considered major surgery, althouth they said I should be back to my normal lifting routine in 4 weeks.
    What do you think?

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