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  1. #1
    collegestudent is offline New Member
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    Oct 2007

    just getting started

    first of all i'd like to say i know nothing about steriods ...

    i'm 19 years old and ive been lifting weights for about a year..throughout this year ive become more and more serious..i am 5ft 10 inches and around 178 pounds..i do have some body fat, nothing major, but some of this is on my worried about bitch tits...

    if i were to start a cycle of 350mg test, would bitch tits be a problem or would muscle on my chest make the bit of fat i have there go away?

    would taking something during the cycle combat the estrogen?
    does Gaspari's Novadex, which claims to be a legal anti estogen work?
    should people with my body type use a something like winstrol first to get rid of this body fat?

  2. #2
    topnotch is offline Member
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    Jan 2007
    your too young, and not lifted long enough...with proper diet and training you can reach a lot more muscle without any chemicals...your not ready for them yet...stick around here and learn about them...and visit the diet forum and you'll see how much difference you can make w/ that alone

  3. #3
    joey11 is offline Associate Member
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    Feb 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by topnotch
    your too young, and not lifted long enough...with proper diet and training you can reach a lot more muscle without any chemicals...your not ready for them yet...stick around here and learn about them...and visit the diet forum and you'll see how much difference you can make w/ that alone
    best advice you could get. stay clean for another year, get eating,training down and then consider it.

  4. #4
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    Quote Originally Posted by topnotch
    your too young, and not lifted long enough...with proper diet and training you can reach a lot more muscle without any chemicals...your not ready for them yet...stick around here and learn about them...and visit the diet forum and you'll see how much difference you can make w/ that alone

  5. #5
    AandF6969's Avatar
    AandF6969 is offline Made Up Of Wires
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    Hows your diet and workout plan? Post them up for critique and we'll make sure they're legit... even with steroids , if youve got a crappy diet, you're going to make crappy gains. They're not magic.

  6. #6
    bk2718 is offline Junior Member
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    Yeah to young, stick around, read a lot and gain as much as you can natural. Like some others have said make sure your diet is in check. good luck

  7. #7
    Raven88's Avatar
    Raven88 is offline Associate Member
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    Den sitta på huk ställ
    19 is too young mate, you should have alot of natty test pounding through your body at your age. I didn't start a cycle until I was 25 and it was well worth the wait. Condition your body, build a solid foundation, and get a strict diet and training regimen down and you will be g2g in a couple years.

    If you are going to go ahead and just do it anyway, don't rely on an OTC supplement such as Gaspari's Novadex to combat estro sides and be sure you research PCT thoroughly.


  8. #8
    runninpony's Avatar
    runninpony is offline Associate Member
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    Spend the next minumum 2 years perfecting your diet and workout routine before you get into aas. Like the others said you are too young. If you are one of those hardheaded mofo's like several guys I know and are gonna do it anyway,,,do TONS and TONS of research before you ever pick up a needle......And dont ever rely on OTC anti E's

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