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Thread: lean mass cycle

  1. #1
    evanjnia is offline New Member
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    Oct 2007

    lean mass cycle

    this may be a stupid question but i am a beginner.
    would i be able to make any serious gains just taking var or winstrol alone? or must they be stacked with deca / test ect.
    i really want to avoid test because of the bad side effects...
    would i be able to stack var with something a little milder and with less sides?
    can you stack something like winny and var or are they too similar?
    the only other steroids i was considering taking were primo and equi, becase everything else seems too bad for you. i would like to try and not alter my test level / risk gyno... i know i can take nolva but id rather avoid it.
    any suggestions are apreciated...

  2. #2
    Amorphic's Avatar
    Amorphic is offline Veritas, Aequitas ~
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    Quote Originally Posted by evanjnia
    this may be a stupid question but i am a beginner.
    would i be able to make any serious gains just taking var or winstrol alone? or must they be stacked with deca / test ect.
    i really want to avoid test because of the bad side effects...
    would i be able to stack var with something a little milder and with less sides?
    can you stack something like winny and var or are they too similar?
    the only other steroids i was considering taking were primo and equi, becase everything else seems too bad for you. i would like to try and not alter my test level / risk gyno... i know i can take nolva but id rather avoid it.
    any suggestions are apreciated...
    first of all, post your stats. age, bf%, goals, diet.

    var and winstrol alone will be hell for your lipid profile and will kill your sex drive.

    test is a baseline steroid and is not harsh on side effects, it is what most should use for their first cycle. 500mg/w for 12weeks with proper post cycle therapy .

    it sounds like you have absolutely no idea what you are talking about. you need to read up, research and learn about the drugs you are talking about before you jump to any conclusions

  3. #3
    bk2718 is offline Junior Member
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    Like Amorphic said test should be the base of any first cycle. It gives you a starting point to determine how you react. so in the future if you have any serious sides you know if wasnt the test.

    But I was in your situation 2 years ago. Igot my hands on some test and just wanted to start it before reading a lot into it. I had the basic understanding but I wasted the stuff because I didnt know enough. Read the boards gather up as much info as you can then read some more and gain an much info as you can because you dont want to mess up your body.

  4. #4
    evanjnia is offline New Member
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    thanks for the info, i was a little thrown off by a section of a website that was telling me all the bad sides of test e.. it basically said
    "Acne: Yes
    Water Retention: Yes, high
    High Blood Pressure: Yes
    Liver Toxic: Low, except in mega dosages
    Aromatization: Yes, high
    DHT Conversion: Yes, high
    Decrease HPTA function: Yes, severe"
    which made me want to consider an alternative with no PCT but i guess theres no escape... so yea ill continue to research im not planning on cycling for at least another 2 months until i can gain about 20 lbs...

  5. #5
    bk2718 is offline Junior Member
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    Feb 2005
    Good luck, make sure your diet is in check as well. I know I thought I was eating a lot but after figuring how many calories I was really eating I seriously had to change what I ate. Check out the diet forum and all the stickies cuz they will help a ton.

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