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  1. #1
    brjrj0000's Avatar
    brjrj0000 is offline Member
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    Throw In Eq Or No???

    2 previous cycles

    test E
    dbol and

    test prop
    tren ace

    Im planning 2 cycles ahead

    This 1
    Test E 900mg ew
    deca 600mg ew
    (MAYBE EQ)

    next 1
    test e
    tren e
    mast e

    im currently around 16 percent body fat which is too high for me. This next cycle i would like to slowly lean out to 10 or 11 percent. The cycle after this i would like to do a cutting cycel and get down to around 8 or so.

    The reason i want to get down low on this cycle is because i want to run masteron on the next and ive read you should already be low for best results

    Anyways want to know if you guys would toss in EQ in this upcoming cycle or is there no need. Im not really concerned how i look on this cycle no i dont care about the vascularity. Just trying to get my body fat down so i can look sweet on the next one lol. Im also a little worried about it making me too hungry ive never ran it before so not sure how i will react. But ive heard it does have some fat burning properties which may help not Not sure if it was a myth.So would you all toss it in or no
    Last edited by brjrj0000; 10-09-2007 at 11:58 AM.

  2. #2
    TEST_ME!'s Avatar
    TEST_ME! is offline Associate Member
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    dam those dose's are a little high.anyway id run eq instead of deca as you not really looking to bulk and you'l gain lean mass(be it alot less mass then deca)

  3. #3
    brjrj0000's Avatar
    brjrj0000 is offline Member
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    i still would like to increase strength and overall developement during this cycle and witht the DECA if u mean mass by more water weight im not concerned during this cycle. if you mean mass as in lean muscle then great. And if you mean mass as in bodyfat i thought that was more dependent upon DIET. Never heard that deca caused anyone to hold more bodyfat.

    Sure the mass with EQ will be lean but if i keep my diet clean with Deca wont that be clean as well just with more size and strength gains? Or does EQ actually burn fat? i didnt think it did. I know id be more vascular with EQ but again im not really concerned about the water or how i look during this cycle. Just looking to develople my body further maybe add a little size and strength well leaning up in preperation for my next cycle which will be a real cutter.
    However if EQ does really help in fat loss please someone let me know because i will def want to run it then
    Last edited by brjrj0000; 10-09-2007 at 06:36 AM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    I never really heard of deca causing water retention. Most people like it because the gains are good quality and solid, and easy to maintain. Equipoise is most likely gonna make ur muscles hard and increase vascularity. I've heard it does increase strength along with those effects but if u want mass then go with deca, the test by itself is gonna increase ur strength. U really need an oral, if ur after strength then go with sumthin like Halodrol, or Anadrol . U will retain water tho so run a diuretic with anadrol, but if I was after strength I'd go with halotest.

  5. #5
    Lexed's Avatar
    Lexed is offline Anabolic Member
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    source check [email protected]
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    2 previous cycles

    test E test prop
    dbol and tren and winny

    how did u cycle these 2 cycles just curious and are these ur first 2 cycles?

  6. #6
    brjrj0000's Avatar
    brjrj0000 is offline Member
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    well im def running the deca because i believe ill put on more muscle gains while still being able to lose fat. just wanted to know if you all thought the EQ was really worth it or not being that im not going for vasuclarity or look in this cycle. Stritcly muscle gains and fat loss.
    and those were my 1st two cycles they looked like this

    test e 500 ew
    dbol 40mg ed

    test prop 100mg ed
    tren ace 75mg ed
    winny rabs 90mg ed for 5 weeks at the end

  7. #7
    domeyeahaigh's Avatar
    domeyeahaigh is offline Senior Member
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    yo man, my experience with eq is will make your muscles very hard, vascularity will increase, strength will increase a little bit, i was also very anxious and my chest hurt, also couldnt breath anywhere i went...there are much better things to invest in.. i ran eq at 600 mg/week for 14 was not worth a shit.. go with deca

  8. #8
    Animal Cracker's Avatar
    Animal Cracker is offline Anabolic Member
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    Throw it in..I am an EQ Advocate...I love the stuff..especailly with Tren and Prop. Lots of guys use it round out a cycle..other use Deca ..which is just a designer roid IMO. EQ- good stuff.

  9. #9
    Steroids101 is offline Member
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    May 2004
    The test alone will give you great stregth gains. I would say either throw it in as is, or replace the deca with it

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