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Thread: Need advice

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2006

    Need advice

    I'm 6'1 at 221 pounds around 12-13% BF age 35. I've been lifting for over 20yrs. This is going to be my 6th cycle in the last 8 years. Compounds I have used Test e, sustenon, Whinny, Deca , GH, Thyroid armour. I've been off for nine months now. My cycle goes like this. Oh ya goal is to gain lien body mass. MY body is primed to the max and ready to go. Just finished a detox program as well.

    Week 1-12 Test E 300mg's
    Week 4-12 oral whinny 50mgs
    Week 1-12 thyroid armour 30mcg's
    week 1-12 armidex .25 eod

    My question is this.. I have some deca 200 that is compounded with 50mgs of test prop. Problem is I only have 2cc's worth. I thought about running the deca at 100mg's a week for 4 weeks till I can start the whinny. My body has a very strong reaction to steroids . At 300mgs of test a week I get huge. But I have never tried running deca below 200mgs a week. At 200mg's a week I get very very strong results. Has anyone tried running at such a low dosage for such a short time. Truth be told I really like running 2 compounds at the same time. I have HCG and clomid for PCT. Also has anyone taken oral whinny for longer than 8 weeks? If so any bad sides on the liver?



  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2006

  3. #3
    buffgator's Avatar
    buffgator is offline king of mass
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    Dec 2001
    The South West
    you should be ok taking the winnie for 8 weeks. At week 6 maybe have you liver value checked. As for throwing in the deca prop, it wont hurt, and probably wont help.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Sounds like good advice. I've heard people running 100mgs a week of test and getting good results on TRT. That is why I thought running the deca for 4 weeks at 100mgs might yield some results. At least I could get some nitrogen retention and maybe get the lubracating feeling in my joints. I don't won't to clog my receptors before I start the whinny though.

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