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  1. #1
    NEOPUP's Avatar
    NEOPUP is offline New Member
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    Prop. start or finish whats best.

    Hey bro's I'm looking for advice on which is better,to start or end my cycle with Test Prop.I've read some people think it's better to end cycle with Prop. than to start when you have something else to kick start your cycle. I have D-Bol to kick start with while running Tren -A and Test-E then finish with Test Prop. I also could start with Test Prop. for about four weeks till Test-E kicks in while running Tren-A and finish off with T-Bol.I've had great results with Tren-A and Test-E but never used Prop, D-Bol or T-Bol with Tren-A.I have kick started a cycle with Prop. while running Test-E and also had good results with Prop. cycle with Anadrol kick start but had a lot of water and size that went away fairly quick when I stopped the Anadrol.I am on HRT so PCT. is covered. Any advice would be very helpful.

  2. #2
    J*U*icEd's Avatar
    J*U*icEd is offline Anabolic Member
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    bro lay out the cycle in a format so we can critique it... all that jumbleness you just posted isn't helping me help you at all....

  3. #3
    hugovsilva's Avatar
    hugovsilva is offline Anabolic Member
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    Since you have Dbol to kick start, use the prop in the end.

    Finish the test e at the same time as tren a, and then run prop at a relatively low dosage for 2 weeks. This way, 3 days after your last prop shot you are ready to start pct.

  4. #4
    J*U*icEd's Avatar
    J*U*icEd is offline Anabolic Member
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    LI, NY kidd!!
    i don't know how many weeks ur running this for but here is a great lay out:

    d-bol 50mg/day week 1-4 or 5
    test E ??mg/week weeks 1-?
    tren a ??mg/day week 4-?
    test P ??mg/day start 1.5 weeks after last test E shot
    then start PCT 2 days after your last test P shot

    there you go my friend thats the best layout i could give you without knowing dosages and durations.... best of luck!

  5. #5
    Amorphic's Avatar
    Amorphic is offline Veritas, Aequitas ~
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    Quote Originally Posted by hugovsilva
    Since you have Dbol to kick start, use the prop in the end.

    Finish the test e at the same time as tren a, and then run prop at a relatively low dosage for 2 weeks. This way, 3 days after your last prop shot you are ready to start pct.
    sound advice

  6. #6
    NEOPUP's Avatar
    NEOPUP is offline New Member
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    Here is what I was thinking for kick start on D-Bol. wk1-4 D-Bol 50mg. ed wk1-12 Test-E 325 twice a week wk1-14 Tren -A 100mg. ed wk12-14 Test Prop. 100mg. ed then back on HRT. Here is what I was thinking for kick start on Test Prop. wk1-4 Test Prop. 100mg. ed wk1-12 Test-E 325mg. twice a week wk1-14 Tren-A 100mg. ed wk10-14 T-Bol 50mg. ed The reason I' m asking is because I want to know what is the benefit of doing Test Prop at the end of cycle if I'm on HRT everything I read say's it helps with PCT timing or just staying big longer.So I guess my question is where does the Test Prop. do the most good in a cycle. Also how would you keep Test levels consistant with 2 different esters. I've read a lot about kick starting vs front loading and kick starting with Prop on top of Test-E is the same as front loading if you look at the charts because it gets Test levels higher faster but blood levels are not consistant at all after 4 weeks or even just 2 weeks. Should I even bother.Please any advice would be of great help.

  7. #7
    pigrond's Avatar
    pigrond is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by hugovsilva
    Since you have Dbol to kick start, use the prop in the end.

    Finish the test e at the same time as tren a, and then run prop at a relatively low dosage for 2 weeks. This way, 3 days after your last prop shot you are ready to start pct.
    i agree good advice

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