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  1. #1
    m16a2 is offline Senior Member
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    AAS Cycle after a long break

    I am considering another AAS cycle but I'm not 100% sure yet. It has been about 3 years since my last cycle and I have done test/deca , fina/winny, test/fina, prop/eq/enan/var, and a few others as well as some DNP and igf3 cycles (separately). I decided to take a short retirement to solidify my gains and after three years, I am confident that has been accomplished.

    During my original cycles, my funding was more constrained than it is now and I am considering better products for a new cycle. I wanted to get some opinions from the vets

    1. GH - If I'm under 30, is this still worth considering? My feeling on this has always been to wait until 30's before unlocking this resource.

    2. My most successful cycle was prop/eq/enan/var and I'm thinking that this is a good one to repeat. Front load EQ and run var through the last 9-12 weeks of the 15-18 week cycle. Do you think this is a good one to repeat, any recommendations on what to add to it?

    3. DNP - I'm planning to clean up some excess weight by running a low dose DNP cycle with T3 before starting any AAS. Any thoughts?

    Thanks and it is good to be back!


  2. #2
    m16a2 is offline Senior Member
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    Anyone out there? Has this board changed a lot in the last few years?

  3. #3
    Amorphic's Avatar
    Amorphic is offline Veritas, Aequitas ~
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    1. the gh would be worth running at any age if you have the funding for it. obviously combining it with a good aas cycle and some slin would create very good muscle building synergy.

    2. your prop/eq/enan/var cycle seems more like a cutter to me, is that your plan? if i was coming back off a three year layoff i would probably try a nice bulk with prop/tren . or if you want to cut, prop/tren/masteron

    3. since you've done dnp before i dont need to mention the fact that running dnp and t3 together before a cycle is going to cause a lot of muscle loss.

    what are your stats? and planned pct?

  4. #4
    m16a2 is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Amorphic
    1. the gh would be worth running at any age if you have the funding for it. obviously combining it with a good aas cycle and some slin would create very good muscle building synergy.

    2. your prop/eq/enan/var cycle seems more like a cutter to me, is that your plan? if i was coming back off a three year layoff i would probably try a nice bulk with prop/tren . or if you want to cut, prop/tren/masteron

    3. since you've done dnp before i dont need to mention the fact that running dnp and t3 together before a cycle is going to cause a lot of muscle loss.

    what are your stats? and planned pct?
    1) I've always considered GH to be something that should be saved until mid-low 30's OR if you are competitive bb

    2) Yes, a good cutting cycle would be perfect right now. When I did my last cycle with prop/eq/enan/var, I saw modest gains, no water retention, and the gains were lasting with a good PCT + var in the mix. My goal to is trim down some fat and make some lean, sustainable gains.

    3) Yes, I have quite a bit of experience with DNP and you are absolutely right. However, since I am so far off cycle, I am not worried about muscle atrophy if I use it before cycle. However, I have learned the HARD way not to use a DNP cycle after an AAS cycle...

    Stats = 6'2 240 18% bf
    goal = 210 12-14% bf

    Even though I know I have low goals for this cycle, any better gains would not be sustainable with my lifestyle and career. I'm carb depleting right now and I expect a 2 week DNP/T3 cycle should put me at 230 lbs.

    PCT = nolva/clomid/var (I'll need to research my past cycles to pull up my specific PCT)

  5. #5
    hugovsilva's Avatar
    hugovsilva is offline Anabolic Member
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    Var for pct?

    That is not a good idea. Var is far from being the most suppressive compound, but its still suppressive. What dosage do you run during pct?

  6. #6
    m16a2 is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by hugovsilva
    Var for pct?

    That is not a good idea. Var is far from being the most suppressive compound, but its still suppressive. What dosage do you run during pct?
    Digging up my old spreadsheets from April 2004 PCT was (18 wk cycle total)
    Nolva 10mg ed 10wks & 20mg ed next 4wks
    L-dex .25mg ed till begin clomid
    Clomid 300/100 4wks / 50 2wks
    Var 50mg ed wks11-15 - 3 days before clomid

    It has been a while, so I'll need to check the latest data on PCT.

    Here's a few references
    Cycle Schedule (Starts tomorrow) (winny/prop/fina)
    eq/test gains question / cycle update (eq/test)

  7. #7
    m16a2 is offline Senior Member
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    Aug 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by hugovsilva
    Var for pct?

    That is not a good idea. Var is far from being the most suppressive compound, but its still suppressive. What dosage do you run during pct?

    I didn't mean to mislead here... var is not part of PCT, it is a preparation for PCT. I began clomid 3 days after last var dosage. Var is a terrific boost and great for solidifying gains when the levels of inj AAS drop... since it has a short half life, you can begin PCT shortly after stopping var. However, like you said, it is suppressive and should not be used DURING pct.

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