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Thread: steroid rage fact or fiction

  1. #41
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    I think its all in your head.Your going to act how u want to act.

  2. #42
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Kratos
    I think if you give someone enough highly androgenic steroids, they will develop an attitude problem.

    At the doses most of us use, you should be able to control yourself.
    If you are naturally an asshole, you will be an even bigger asshole while on AAS.....As for Roid-rage, No.

  3. #43
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Toronto, Ontario
    Quote Originally Posted by ShadetreeJones
    Which ones?? I experienced zero personality change with Sus and Deca.

    Tren, halo + diet i get pretty moody, even anadrol can make me a little irritable. All are really dose dependant too. Sometimes when taking high dose test I can even get a little edgy. Those are pretty much the main culprits.

  4. #44
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Ever been yelled at by a woman with PMS?
    Hormone flux
    Why would men not suffer the same problem?
    I have no trouble with my temper, don't get me wrong but I have felt myself get a little more irritated than usual in a traffic jam on the first days of a tren cycle. Guys who are a-holes to begin with are going to let their emotions get the best of them. Saying hormones play no part in aggression is just not the truth.

  5. #45
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Dirty South
    Quote Originally Posted by Kratos
    Ever been yelled at by a woman with PMS?
    Hormone flux
    Why would men not suffer the same problem?
    I have no trouble with my temper, don't get me wrong but I have felt myself get a little more irritated than usual in a traffic jam on the first days of a tren cycle. Guys who are a-holes to begin with are going to let their emotions get the best of them. Saying hormones play no part in aggression is just not the truth.
    I agree. I am no asshole off cycle (not one on cycle either). But when put in a situation where I would normally just be a little pissed off but wouldn't say anything cuz its not a big deal if on roids I would prob say something about it (even if still aware that it really wasn't a big deal). If put in a situation where I would normally get mad, then on roids you better watch out . I wouldn't say the roids ever MADE me angry but they definately amplified my anger.

  6. #46
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Albuquerque, NM
    I don't consider it rage. I do notice that I get upset easier, and could very well get Hostil, but I just have to walk away and cool down and think about it for a moment and I'm good. I also think it depends on which compounds you are using and the dosages.
    Lately I have been very short: IE, running 525mg Deca/week, 650mg Sustaplex/week, 400mg Mastaplex / week, and kickstarted it with 50mg D-Bol / ED. This cycle has got me a little aggressive.... :>)

  7. #47
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    In Jessica Alba's bagina
    I'm more moody during PCT. I feel like shit and have hot flashes.

  8. #48
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    estrogen via aromatisation may be the reason people get moody/irritable, particularly with high doses of test or higly aromatising compounds...

    I dont have any problems with 500mg test though, at the moment im running .5 liquidex and 125mcg/day T3 and I feel great, if anything calmer... I wont really worry about roid rage unless your stacking a bunch of stuff and taking rediculous doses...

  9. #49
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    lost in translation
    ive never seen a difference in my attitude other than feeling like an animal in the cycles where pretty light though we'll see when i crank them up a bit

  10. #50
    Quote Originally Posted by nowdenlid
    what do you guys think on this subject?.i read alot of people think its a myth.

    Roid rage isn’t real.
    FALSE! Medical research’s answer to whether steroids cause aggressive tendencies and adverse psychological effects has generally been "no.” But that's a misconception resulting from the fact that medical experimenters cannot ethically give large doses of steroids. Disregarding the lack of conclusive medical testing, the legal community tells a very different story. Legal psychologist Harrison Pope of McLean Hospital in Massachusetts, who sometimes serves as an expert witness in court, says he's been "involved in a dozen murder cases where someone went on steroids and killed somebody without a history of violence or crime beforehand." In one case, a 16-year-old boy was charged with killing his 14-year-old girlfriend. Pope says, "We have no evidence of any criminal or violent activity before he started taking steroids. At that point, he had a series of run-ins with the police, which culminated in the murder. He was convicted and sent up for life." As the example shows, wives and girlfriends are often the victims of men who are abusing steroids. In a study of 88 athletes who used steroids, Pope found 23 percent of current users reporting "major mood disturbances" including mania and major depression. Steroid users also reported aggressive or violent incidents. “ user, using his fists and a metal bar, seriously damaged three cars, all with their drivers cowering inside, because he had become annoyed by a traffic delay. Another was arrested for causing $1,000 of property damage during a fit of anger at a sporting event; another was arrested for assaulting a motorist; another rammed his head through a wooden door.... Several users reported that they were expelled from their homes by parents, wives, or girlfriends because they became intolerably aggressive,” according to Dr. Pope.
    Today I almost flipped my top for no reason, I could not find my wallet and I had the biggest mood swing ever I asked my girlfriend to help and had to take ten deep breaths it was disturbing looking back now I am very laid back she said she was getting nervous that I might get violent, so I agree and now have to be very mindful!

  11. #51
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Just what the hell are you getting at with that question Goddamnit!!!, just kidding. I would sum it up as like having a car with a nitro boost, when you're cruising on the highway or driving down the street it isn't always on but when you need to hit the switch for that boost(i.e. in the gym) it's there. Myself I feel better on than off, why do you think that depressed older guys with low test get prescribed test and suddenly bam! No more depression, not a coincidence, test is a mood elevator. Coming off is the bitch, I'd say I would be more likely to eat bon bons and cry on you then kick your ass!

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