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  1. #1
    Adrenalin is offline Junior Member
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    Prop,Tren and Winny Cycle

    I am 38, height 5'11, weight 205, bf~15%

    Looking for some input on a cutting cycle for the summer (live in the southern hemisphere).

    This is going to be my 3rd cycle. 1st cycle with stacking. I've mainly stayed with Test only (E and Prop) cycles.

    I want to run the cycle for 6 weeks because I want to minimize the recovery time. My PCT (Nolvo, Clomid and HCG ) will be prescribed as needed by a G.P., who will be monitoring my blood levels. My baseline values are pending.

    I was thinking about the following:

    Test Prop 100mg E.D
    Tren Acetate 50mg E.O.D
    Winny 50 mg E.O.D

    I don't mind the frequency of injections.

    Any input would be appreciated.

    BTW: Been training over the past 2 years; after a 7 year break. Weight has come up from 175lbs to 205 in 2 years since being back at the gym time. Previous experience in powerlifting.
    Last edited by Adrenalin; 10-15-2007 at 07:04 AM.

  2. #2
    soulstealer's Avatar
    soulstealer is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Adrenalin
    I am 38, height 5'11, weight 205, bf~15%

    Looking for some input on a cutting cycle for the summer (live in the southern hemisphere).

    This is going to be my 3rd cycle. 1st cycle with stacking. I've mainly stayed with Test only (E and Prop) cycles.

    I want to run the cycle for 6 weeks because I want to minimize the recovery time. My PCT (Nolvo, Clomid and HCG ) will be prescribed as needed by a G.P., who will be monitoring my blood levels. My baseline values are pending.

    I was thinking about the following:

    Test Prop 100mg E.D (change to 50-75mg ED)
    Tren Acetate 50mg E.O.D (Change to 50mg ED)
    Winny 50 mg E.O.D (change to 50mg ED)
    T3 75mcg E.D.

    I don't mind the frequency of injections.

    Any input would be appreciated.

    BTW: Been training over the past 2 years; after a 7 year break. Weight has come up from 175lbs to 205 in 2 years since being back at the gym time. Previous experience in powerlifting.
    Oh and I would run the test 1 week past your tren and run the cycle for atleast 8 weeks... and start the winni @ week 3

    The best part about what I just outlined is that its true anabolics will hold muscle on you but if you reduce your calories below a certain point your body reduces your thyroid hormone secretion put you into a so called "starvation mode" so you stop losing weight if you run the cycle outlined above you will be anabolic enough to hold most of your muscle and the T3 will allow you to drop your calories to ridiculously low levels w/o slowing down your progress..
    Last edited by soulstealer; 10-15-2007 at 09:28 AM.

  3. #3
    Johny-too-small's Avatar
    Johny-too-small is offline Vive Memor Leti
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    6 weeks is great but you'll need to run more gear..

    1-6: Test Prop @ 100mg/ed
    1-6: Tren Acetate @ 100mg/ed
    1-6: Winny @ 100mg/ed

    ...and you dont have to run test past the ace on a cycle this short.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Adrenalin
    I am 38, height 5'11, weight 205, bf~15%

    Looking for some input on a cutting cycle for the summer (live in the southern hemisphere).

    This is going to be my 3rd cycle. 1st cycle with stacking. I've mainly stayed with Test only (E and Prop) cycles.

    I want to run the cycle for 6 weeks because I want to minimize the recovery time. My PCT (Nolvo, Clomid and HCG ) will be prescribed as needed by a G.P., who will be monitoring my blood levels. My baseline values are pending.

    I was thinking about the following:

    Test Prop 100mg E.D
    Tren Acetate 50mg E.O.D
    Winny 50 mg E.O.D

    I don't mind the frequency of injections.

    Any input would be appreciated.

    BTW: Been training over the past 2 years; after a 7 year break. Weight has come up from 175lbs to 205 in 2 years since being back at the gym time. Previous experience in powerlifting.
    I just finished the same cycle and loved it,I would run like this
    1-8 prop 50mg e.d
    1-7 tren 50mg e.d(If sides are fine take it up to 75mg ed)
    4-8 winny 50mg ed(time the winny to coencide with p.c.t so winny should end 3 days after last shot)
    and run the t/3 right threw cycle up untill p.c.t starts.

  5. #5
    frignugs's Avatar
    frignugs is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Johny-too-small
    6 weeks is great but you'll need to run more gear..

    1-6: Test Prop @ 100mg/ed
    1-6: Tren Acetate @ 100mg/ed
    1-6: Winny @ 100mg/ed

    ...and you dont have to run test past the ace on a cycle this short.

    Those are some big time numbers.. I wouldnt recomend running tren at 100mg a day for a first time user....

  6. #6
    runninpony's Avatar
    runninpony is offline Associate Member
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    Im running the same cycle now,,,Prop 100mg EOD, Tren 75mg EOD and Winny 50mg ED,,,I can tell you after the first week alone on a very restricted calorie cutting cycle I have made crazy gains,,,,but the Tren makes me feel like absolute hammered dog shit,,,,,I wouldnt recomend a dose any higher than what Im running for the first time.....

  7. #7
    Johny-too-small's Avatar
    Johny-too-small is offline Vive Memor Leti
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    Quote Originally Posted by frignugs
    Those are some big time numbers.. I wouldnt recomend running tren at 100mg a day for a first time user....
    Sure, if the cycle is longer than 6 weeks...

    You have to go big on a 6 weeker, otherwise you shouldnt be in the game and you should stick to longer, more newbie cycles.

  8. #8
    Adrenalin is offline Junior Member
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    Thanks for the input.

    A few More Questions.

    1. In my previous cycles I took a break from injections on the weekend. Is it advisable to do on this cycle too?

    2. I guess it is alright to mix Tren an Prop together for the E.D. injections.

    3. If I am taking in 3000 - 3500 calories per day now. What would be a good level to go to for cutting?

  9. #9
    runninpony's Avatar
    runninpony is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Adrenalin
    Thanks for the input.

    A few More Questions.

    1. In my previous cycles I took a break from injections on the weekend. Is it advisable to do on this cycle too?

    2. I guess it is alright to mix Tren an Prop together for the E.D. injections.

    3. If I am taking in 3000 - 3500 calories per day now. What would be a good level to go to for cutting?
    1. I would inject on a regular ED or EOD routine so you minimize side effects.
    2. Absolutely
    3. Depends on too many factors, ie body type, macros, cardio levels etc. Everyody is different and your best bet is to play with your diet and see what your body likes. I am running about 2200-2400 calories a day now with most carbs being breakfast and post workout(i workout in the AM) and thats what gives me the best results for cutting.

  10. #10
    king6's Avatar
    king6 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Adrenalin
    I am 38, height 5'11, weight 205, bf~15%

    Looking for some input on a cutting cycle for the summer (live in the southern hemisphere).

    This is going to be my 3rd cycle. 1st cycle with stacking. I've mainly stayed with Test only (E and Prop) cycles.

    I want to run the cycle for 6 weeks because I want to minimize the recovery time. My PCT (Nolvo, Clomid and HCG ) will be prescribed as needed by a G.P., who will be monitoring my blood levels. My baseline values are pending.

    I was thinking about the following:

    Test Prop 100mg E.D
    Tren Acetate 50mg E.O.D
    Winny 50 mg E.O.D

    I don't mind the frequency of injections.

    Any input would be appreciated.

    BTW: Been training over the past 2 years; after a 7 year break. Weight has come up from 175lbs to 205 in 2 years since being back at the gym time. Previous experience in powerlifting.
    6 weeks is too short IMO, you will be stopping right when it is starting to get good. I would run it for 8-10 weeks. Also I would find a better DHT than winny, I would run masteron . Winny has a tendency to cause heart enlargement. Also remember to run the test 2 weeks longer than the tren, if you stop at the same time like I did, you will be shut down. Also, 19 nor's are very suppressive, so running 6 weeks to aide recovery is flawed, at that point you are most likely shut down.

    Remember the recovery has more to do with PCT than it does the length of the cycle. For PCT, run Nolva, HCG, and Aromasin .

  11. #11
    Adrenalin is offline Junior Member
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    Thanks again.

    Unfortunately products like Masteron and Aromasin are not available where I live or very hard to find. So I basically have to use what is available.

    With E.O.D. injections should I inject for example mix of Prop/Tren in glute and winny in Delt; then rotate sites obviously. Or could you mix all 3 and inject in one site (however I do not like the thought of injecting nearly 3mls in Delt)

  12. #12
    Adrenalin is offline Junior Member
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    So how does this look:

    Wk 1 - 10 Test Prop 100 mg E.O.D
    Wk 1 - 8 Tren Ace 50 mg E.O.D
    Wk 6 - 10 Winny 50 mg E.O.D

  13. #13
    hugovsilva's Avatar
    hugovsilva is offline Anabolic Member
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    1-10: test prop 50mg ed
    1-8: tren ace 50mg ed
    5-10: winny 50mg ed

    This is the best you can do imo.

  14. #14
    king6's Avatar
    king6 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Run the prop slightly higher than the tren , to avoid being shut down.

  15. #15
    hugovsilva's Avatar
    hugovsilva is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by king6
    Run the prop slightly higher than the tren, to avoid being shut down.
    I disagree. You will be shut down or at least suppressed either way. A hrt dosage of test is enough to get you going, both sexually and mentally.

  16. #16
    Johny-too-small's Avatar
    Johny-too-small is offline Vive Memor Leti
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    Quote Originally Posted by Adrenalin
    So how does this look:

    Wk 1 - 10 Test Prop 100 mg E.O.D
    Wk 1 - 8 Tren Ace 50 mg E.O.D
    Wk 6 - 10 Winny 50 mg E.O.D
    Winny must be administered ED. Tren @ 50 mg/ eod is too low.

  17. #17
    Adrenalin is offline Junior Member
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    Just curious.

    If I cut out the Winny; could the Prop and Tren be used as a lean bulker?

  18. #18
    runninpony's Avatar
    runninpony is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Adrenalin
    Just curious.

    If I cut out the Winny; could the Prop and Tren be used as a lean bulker?
    Bro you could lean bulk with or without the Winny. The biggest difference between a bulk or cut cycle is your diet and not the gear. And with tren you can almost eat garbage and still bulk up lean.

  19. #19
    Adrenalin is offline Junior Member
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    Feel a bit stupid asking that question now.

    So would you keep the Winny in the cycle as I originally proposed.

  20. #20
    runninpony's Avatar
    runninpony is offline Associate Member
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    If it was me I would. Winny tabs can be got pretty cheap so you can always see how your cycle is going and throw the winny in the cycle. I actually planned on throwing my winny in at the end of my cycle but I got this big costume party coming up I gotta look my best for so I just had to go for it right away!!

  21. #21
    frignugs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hugovsilva
    1-10: test prop 50mg ed
    1-8: tren ace 50mg ed
    5-10: winny 50mg ed

    This is the best you can do imo.

  22. #22
    Adrenalin is offline Junior Member
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    I have Winny injectable.

    Looking forward to this cycle; as it is the first i have really stacked compounds.

  23. #23
    frignugs's Avatar
    frignugs is offline Associate Member
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    What have you decided for your cycle?

  24. #24
    J-41-sd is offline Associate Member
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    If this is the first time stacking and you can't get aromasin then just go with the test/whinny as it will be easier to recover from and still give you what you want if diet is in line.

  25. #25
    Adrenalin is offline Junior Member
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    8 Weeks:
    Wk 1 - 8 Test Prop 75 mg E.O.D
    Wk 1 - 6 Tren Ace 50 mg E.O.D
    Wk 6 - 8 Winny 50 mg E.D.

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