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  1. #1
    browboy's Avatar
    browboy is offline Associate Member
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    Aug 2007
    A warm climate!

    BP still up a bit-how long does that last?

    Well, it's been two months since last shot and about 4 weeks since end of pct. BP went nuts while on cycle, and actually had to see doc and get on bp meds. Been on those about 6 weeks now, and it has definately brought it down, but I know it is still a little high, even still taking meds. I have done a bunch of tests, and everything has come back normal. My lipids were trashed, but they are back to normal now as well. I see the doc tomorrow and am gonna ask to start getting off of the bp meds. How long after your last injection or pct does it take before bp gets back to normal?

  2. #2
    paulzane's Avatar
    paulzane is offline Productive Member
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    Sep 2005
    My BP goes up when I use A bombs and drops down again soon after I finish them. BP stays only slightly elevated during a cycle ..... It is certainly back to it's lowest level by the end of PCT.

  3. #3
    browboy's Avatar
    browboy is offline Associate Member
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    Aug 2007
    A warm climate!
    bump for any other input

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