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Thread: Cycle Dianabol

  1. #1

    Cycle Dianabol

    I am a novice and I need advice on cycle set dianabol and post treatment cycle. Hello answers Appearance

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    A dianabol cycle only is not so good...

    your better getting some test and doing that as well.

    with a dianabol only cycle you will get great gains and lose most of them depending on your pct and how good your body is lol

    whats your stats?
    how long have u trained?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    in saying that arnold did it and he is a freaken god

  4. #4
    age 21

    weight 78 kg * 1.80cm

    i trained almost two years

    Dianabol / anavar cycle what do you think?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    new york
    Quote Originally Posted by ausmanalot
    in saying that arnold did it and he is a freaken god
    He had some ridiculous genetics tho. He prob wouldav exploded like that with just var or even test boosters.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by ausmanalot
    in saying that arnold did it and he is a freaken god
    It still doesnt mean that a dbol only cycle doesnt suck. A.S. already had reached his genetic potential, so anything he added would have helped. AT 21 and 78kg, NPC78 is not, so dbol only wont help him in the same way.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    houston, tx
    for starters, why dont you post up your diet and tell us what you eat on a daily basis and break it down into how many cals are coming from protein/fat/carbs?? I guarantee you that you do not eat properly to gain weight based on your stats..if youre not eating to gain naturally, then you wont gain or keep anything from steroids!!

  8. #8
    My diet:

    Meal 1:7.00

    250 ml of milk
    35 g protein
    60 g cornflex
    5 g fat

    Meal 2: 10.00
    35 g protein
    25 g carbohydrate
    20 g almonds

    Lunch: 13.00
    85 g carbohydrate (150g rice or pasta)
    60 grams of protein (meat 200-250g)
    2 tablespoons olive oil
    An apple
    W.o 15.30

    Meal post w.o 17.00
    35 g protein
    25 g carbohydrate
    A banana
    10 almonds

    Meal 5:
    50 g protein (fish 200g)

    Meal 6:
    35 g protein
    10 almonds

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    i've done dianabol only cycle at 40mg per day and gained 10kg of weight
    but after cycle is finished most of the gaines go away. better with
    some deca or sustanon.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    NY, Long Island
    Quote Originally Posted by kciredor
    i've done dianabol only cycle at 40mg per day and gained 10kg of weight
    but after cycle is finished most of the gaines go away. better with
    some deca
    or sustanon.
    No your not better with deca. I would think a dbol only cycle would be way better than a deca only cycle. Regardless you would be better off with a test only cycle. At 78kg that is what? 171lbs? You better be around my height (5'5) at 10%bf with that weight to even think about anabolics and of course be at least 21. If you are anywhere near 6ft or over you can make a lot more progress naturally.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    sorry i meant example

    -400 deca p/wk and 40mg dianabol or
    -500 test en/sus and 40 mg dianabol

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    houston, tx
    Yeah he's about 5'10" and only 170lbs at 21 years old..theres plenty of natural growing to be left to do. His diet is decent, but needs lots of improvement if he wants to build quality muscle. Start by reading here

    You need to eat more calories all around..need to work on improving PWO nutrition. Basically your diet is suitable to maintain your current gotta eat more if you want to grow. If you cant grow without steroids at your stats, you wont grow from steroids either.

    If you wanna cycle still, which I dont think you need to, a simple cycle of test e for 10-12 weeks followed by proper PCT will be your best bet..dbol alone..not the best idea

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    I wouldnt do a dbol only cycle, my friends in highschool did this is what you can expect...

    gain alot of strength and probably 15-20lbs almost completely consisting of water, everyone you know will keep asking you if your on steroids, then when your done with your 4-6 week cycle all that strength and weight will come off and everyone will be like hey remember when you got all bloated, what was that all about?

    ive never done it but this is what happened to my friends years ago, just throw in some test and you could do a good cycle

  14. #14
    hen tell me how to organize the best diet

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by NPC87
    hen tell me how to organize the best diet
    Post your diet in the Diet Forum for critique and people will.

    It needs some work and at your weight and age, AS isnt the answer.

    As for a Dbol only cycle, there not as bad as people make out. Some have gained well and held onto a good % of their gains.

  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by Swifto
    Post your diet in the Diet Forum for critique and people will.

    It needs some work and at your weight and age, AS isnt the answer.

    As for a Dbol only cycle, there not as bad as people make out. Some have gained well and held onto a good % of their gains.

    you can recommend a cycle of dbol of testing and the PTC

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by NPC87
    you can recommend a cycle of dbol of testing and the PTC
    Post your diet in the Diet Forum.

    I could post a cycle of Dbol, with PCT, but I dont think you need that right now.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    dbol 40-50mgs everyday for weeks 1-4
    test e 250mgs mon and thr totalling 500mgs a week for weeks 1-12

    PCT starts 2 weeks after last test injection like this...
    Day 1 300mg Clomid / 20mg Nolva
    Day 2 - 30 100mg Clomid / 20mg Nolva
    Day 31 - 37 20mg Nolva /

  19. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by Swifto
    Post your diet in the Diet Forum.

    I could post a cycle of Dbol, with PCT, but I dont think you need that right now.

    I posted my diet in the section. I wanted to see how my body reacted to a first round of dbol. Yesterday I received the results of blood analasi and I am well-made post peima starting the cycle to see if everything was OK

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    houston, tx
    steroids are not some magical pill or shot that will make you big and shredded overnight. You need to build a solid foundation of muscle and understand proper training and nutrition if you really want to benefit from them..after only 2 years you dont have the knowledge and experience yet..spend the time to learn how to train and eat properly and build naturally..then in a few more years you can try steroids and you will get much better results than if you use them now..besides youre still too young in my opinion to use them..why mess up your natural test production now when its the highest it will ever be in your life??

  21. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by lil-SLIM
    dbol 40-50mgs everyday for weeks 1-4
    test e 250mgs mon and thr totalling 500mgs a week for weeks 1-12

    PCT starts 2 weeks after last test injection like this...
    Day 1 300mg Clomid / 20mg Nolva
    Day 2 - 30 100mg Clomid / 20mg Nolva
    Day 31 - 37 20mg Nolva /


    Week 1-4 40-50g dbol test
    Then I did not understand this part "250mgs mon and thr totaling 500mgs a week for 1-12 weeks" you could write me the better thanks

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    dude u should do more research I wrote it out so the most basic beginner would understand with no slang terms or abreviations from the board. look into this kinda cycle you should be able to figure it out in 20-30 minutes though now that I think about it, its kinda scary you can get info like that so easy. this stuff is no joke man

  23. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by lil-SLIM
    dude u should do more research I wrote it out so the most basic beginner would understand with no slang terms or abreviations from the board. look into this kinda cycle you should be able to figure it out in 20-30 minutes though now that I think about it, its kinda scary you can get info like that so easy. this stuff is no joke man


    I understand what you wrote. You know I am not English or American I am Italian and I could have some problems with the language then you are calm.

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    NY, Long Island
    He means for 12 weeks you would take 500mg of Test every week. The shots would be split into 2 different shots of 250mg each. One on Monday and one on thursday. For the first 4 weeks of the 12 weeks you would also take 40mg of dbol every day.

  25. #25
    Thanks Renesis

  26. #26
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    NY, Long Island
    No problem

  27. #27
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    My Guy's poophole
    Quote Originally Posted by kciredor
    i've done dianabol only cycle at 40mg per day and gained 10kg of weight
    but after cycle is finished most of the gaines go away. better with
    some deca or sustanon.
    WOW not too bad 10kgs...
    but how many weeks your D-bol-only cycle?

  28. #28
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    My Guy's poophole
    Quote Originally Posted by NPC87

    I understand what you wrote. You know I am not English or American I am Italian and I could have some problems with the language then you are calm.
    Per le prime quattro settimane vai con 8 dbol al giorno (40mg)
    mentre resti sempre con due iniezioni a settimana (250mg l'una)
    di testo enathato per 12 settimane.

  29. #29
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Wot if you done a dbol only cycle then b4 you finish on the last week you get some test in you and do somthing like 4 weeks of test the pct??? would that help keep the gains????

  30. #30
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    My Guy's poophole
    Quote Originally Posted by skeldno
    Wot if you done a dbol only cycle then b4 you finish on the last week you get some test in you and do somthing like 4 weeks of test the pct??? would that help keep the gains????
    Why don't start immediately with test the 1st week...

  31. #31
    Quote Originally Posted by ChuckLee
    Per le prime quattro settimane vai con 8 dbol al giorno (40mg)
    mentre resti sempre con due iniezioni a settimana (250mg l'una)
    di testo enathato per 12 settimane.

    chuck ma sei italiano?

  32. #32
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    My Guy's poophole
    Quote Originally Posted by NPC87
    chuck ma sei italiano?
    Sì sono italiano e sono felice di aiutarti, se posso.
    Secondo me puoi benissimo provare a partire con
    un ciclo di d-bol, tanto per provare e renderti conto
    di come funziona partendo tranquillo (io stesso l'ho fatto)...
    Questi qua sono per la maggiorparte americani, hanno
    genetica fuori misura rispetto a noi, loro arrivano a
    pesare 100 kg natural, poi partono con la chimica...
    Per me puoi benissimo partire (anche se 21 anni non
    sarebbero tanti...) anche con un peso di 78 kg, basta
    che non esageri subito, prima devi conoscere come reagisce
    il tuo fisico a queste cose, anche per risparmiare un pò...
    Se hai bisogno di qualcosa sono qua...

  33. #33
    Quote Originally Posted by ChuckLee
    Sì sono italiano e sono felice di aiutarti, se posso.
    Secondo me puoi benissimo provare a partire con
    un ciclo di d-bol, tanto per provare e renderti conto
    di come funziona partendo tranquillo (io stesso l'ho fatto)...
    Questi qua sono per la maggiorparte americani, hanno
    genetica fuori misura rispetto a noi, loro arrivano a
    pesare 100 kg natural, poi partono con la chimica...
    Per me puoi benissimo partire (anche se 21 anni non
    sarebbero tanti...) anche con un peso di 78 kg, basta
    che non esageri subito, prima devi conoscere come reagisce
    il tuo fisico a queste cose, anche per risparmiare un pò...
    Se hai bisogno di qualcosa sono qua...
    infatti ho sentito miei amici e hanno detto tipico ciclo da americano senza che io gli dicessi nulla se lo immaginavano. Credo che alla fine farò 1-8 o 10 week di enatato a 200mg a week mi hanno consigliato te che dici chuck?

  34. #34
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    io sono Maltese ma capisco bene l'Italiano , il mio primo ciclo
    e stato 50mg dianabol al giorno due ora prima di andare in palestra
    l'importante e mangare il piu possibile, piu mangi piu grande sarai.
    non prendere pct per i dianabol soltanto.

    scusate la lingua ma sono Maltese non italiano.

  35. #35
    Quote Originally Posted by kciredor
    io sono Maltese ma capisco bene l'Italiano , il mio primo ciclo
    e stato 50mg dianabol al giorno due ora prima di andare in palestra
    l'importante e mangare il piu possibile, piu mangi piu grande sarai.
    non prendere pct per i dianabol soltanto.

    scusate la lingua ma sono Maltese non italiano.

    Ciao e grazie

    Dopo un ciclo di dianabol necessità pct come no

    come primo primo ciclo farò:

    1-8 week 200mgs di testosterone enatato


    50g di clomid per 30 gg.

  36. #36
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    My Guy's poophole
    Quote Originally Posted by NPC87
    Ciao e grazie

    Dopo un ciclo di dianabol necessità pct come no

    come primo primo ciclo farò:

    1-8 week 200mgs di testosterone enatato


    50g di clomid per 30 gg.
    Come primo ciclo ottimo andare con un enantato a settimana,
    per vedere intanto come reagiscono i tuoi recettori.
    Però 2 cose: aggiungere 40mg di D-bol al giorno per le prime 4-6
    settimane sarebbe ottimo, per dare un "kick-start" al tuo ciclo e
    credimi, è un ottimo prodotto; seconda cosa: solitamente gli enan.
    sono da 250mg, tu hai un multidose?
    Come PCT ok il clomid, ma io aggiungerei x sicurezza un HCG per
    settimana (gonadotropine).

  37. #37
    Quote Originally Posted by ChuckLee
    Come primo ciclo ottimo andare con un enantato a settimana,
    per vedere intanto come reagiscono i tuoi recettori.
    Però 2 cose: aggiungere 40mg di D-bol al giorno per le prime 4-6
    settimane sarebbe ottimo, per dare un "kick-start" al tuo ciclo e
    credimi, è un ottimo prodotto; seconda cosa: solitamente gli enan.
    sono da 250mg, tu hai un multidose?
    Come PCT ok il clomid, ma io aggiungerei x sicurezza un HCG per
    settimana (gonadotropine).

    prendo l'****labs il testoplex E 250. Chuck quanti kili potrei prendere il 10 week solo con l'enatato?
    Last edited by NPC87; 10-18-2007 at 07:13 AM.

  38. #38
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    I love it when you guys talk dirty !!!!

  39. #39
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    My Guy's poophole
    Quote Originally Posted by NPC87
    prendo l'****labs il testoplex E. Chuck quanti kili potrei prendere il 10 week solo con l'enatato?
    Direi almeno 20-25 kg...
    Seriamente, dipende da fisico a fisico, quando si parla
    di corpo umano non c'è NIENTE di automatico...dipende
    soprattutto se sei predisposto ad accumulare acqua.
    Io per dirti non lo sono, quindi i kg reali di massa magra
    che guadagno solitamente son meno degli altri.
    Poi spero che ben saprai che i kg di acqua che accumuli
    in un ciclo così son destinati a sparire a breve...quindi
    punta su guadagni concreti e asciutti!
    Comunque aspettati dai 6 ai 12 kg (massimo massimo, che
    cmq sarebbero granparte persi poi...).
    Ultima cosa, ti consiglio il nostro test E (Testoviron) italiano,
    che è molto buono e da 250mg/ml

  40. #40
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    My Guy's poophole
    Quasi dimenticavo. Ricordati che la PRIMA COSA è
    e rimane SEMPRE la dieta, quindi assicurati di avere
    l'apporto calorico e dei nutrienti necessario, prova a
    calcolarlo con il metodo Harris Elliot, che uso anch'io.
    Evita l'errore che fanno in molti, che pensano che solo
    perchè son bombardati possono mangiare alla c***o di
    cane perchè tanto assorbono tutto...devi alimentare
    correttamente i toui prodotti!

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