Will it effect my gains ?
BY Merc.
When you talk about testosterone you also usually hear words like , estrogen and aromatase ..
Most people that use AAS understand that testosterone converts to estrogen ( via the aromatase enzyme) this causes problems like bloating , gyno as well as other sides .. People have been posting alot about using AI's and asking about how estrogen relates to gains.
Well estrogen is important in building muscle. Estrogen has been connected to increasing GH and IGF-1 . Testosterone's effects are dependent on aromatization to esterogen ..
If you look at what they give cattle to put on mass its estradiol. If they use only One compound to put mass on they use estradiol ( Anthony Roberts did a radio interview on this recently) .. Estrogen's role is an important one .. You hear of alot of people that use AI's reporting that thier gains are greatly reduced . The AI's reduce thier estrogen levels too much which effects Growth factors( GH , IGF) and reduces thier gains.
I have a buddy that had done 2 cycles. The first using test E at 500 mg every week with Adex at 0.5 EOD.. For his second cycle he used 600 mg of Cyp every week with 40 mg of Dbol everyday for a kick start and Adex at 0.5 EOD.. He ate right and trained right on both of his cycles .. He was not gaining on his cycles like he should have been ( and yes his gear was legit ).. I had told him about estrogen's role in building muscle.. He listened but didn't really understand everything about it .. I explained it again and he started to catch on to what I was explaining.. This was at the end of his second cycle.. He made an appointment with his Doc and asked him if he could order some blood work .. The doctor ordered a total testosterone and total estrogen blood test.. His estrogen was extremely low.. He then finished his cycle and did a proper pct and took time off to recover ..
Than he did another cycle using Dbol, Test E 600 mg per week, no AI . This time around he totally transformed his body . People that didn't see him in a few months didn't even recognize him. He went to the doctor again and asked for blood work while he was on cycle ( wk 7 I think) .. This time his estrogen was high ( something like 300 ng/ml, 120 ng/ml or less is in range).. His strength was through the roof and he said that there was a great sense of well being and that his energy level was way up. There were no real sides that where experienced. I saw him alot while he was on cycle and he never really looked bloated.
If you do a search on here you will see that alot of people are reporting that AI's are effecting thier gains .. I think AI's are a important compound to consider using, but keep in mind that estrogen's role is a important one .
Gyno also needs estrogen to form ( as well as progesterone, GH and IGF). So you also need to take into consideration that too much estrogen can cause problems....
Well there has been a lot of people asking if taking an AI will effect gains so I wanted to write this to give a little bit of input on estrogen's effects on building muscle..