posted by SRCS:
To whom it may concern,
We apologize for having to inform any who care to know of this particular occurance however, because we strive to operate with honesty, integrity and without discrimination, we have encountered scenarios in which we have not made friends.
Some one or some organization has informed the DEA that SRCS was performing illegal anabolic steroid analysis. We have always maintained and kept current our DEA license for controlled substances and were under the apparent misaprehention that the analyses we have been performing were totally legitamate, well within the scope of the law and a service to the supplement industry. Whether or not the warrant that was served on SRCS was granted under false pretenses, we were raided on October 25th, 2007 by agents from several agencies including DEA, State Commerce Comission, and local law enforcement who over the course of the day cloned our computer hard drives, confiscated most all of our retained samples as well as our analytical and financial records for the previous five or more years. Any and all documentation and records we had pertaining to samples received, email and personal financial information, client lists and standards lists were confiscated and will be reveiwed extensively by whomever the DEA deems worthy. We voluntarilly surrendered our controlled substances license and will no longer be capable of providing analysis for the aforementioned substances.
Because of the total confiscation of all our documentation, the production of timely requests of analyses in progress will be affected negatively. We will do all we can to get back up to speed and mimimize to the best of our ability any interruptions in service for "non-regulated" substances as soon as we can.
We apologize deeply for any inconvenience and negative impact this will have.
San Rafael Chemical Services, Inc.