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  1. #1
    eddy tye's Avatar
    eddy tye is offline Associate Member
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    deca 300+test cycle...need some advise

    thx for any help,

    basicly i need to know what are the sides of this cycle and what else do i need to run this? safely!!!


    dosages/amounts and for how long a period of time?

    im shure this sounds all play school to you guys but im gonna get this cycle done either i'd rather gather as much info on as possible and try to do it right...with you guy's help

    stats/goal:5.10,170#'s 12%b-f...bulk-lean mussle,i dont have to gain 25 pounds either,185#'s at 10% b-f is good for me...and im outta

    thanks again for any help,

  2. #2
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    how about a basic:
    test 500mg/12 weeks
    deca 400mg/10 weeks
    and might want to consider arimidex at .25eod during cycle.

  3. #3
    eddy tye's Avatar
    eddy tye is offline Associate Member
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    thx for the helpful reply and not going with the...


    because you would be right!!! but i promise with the help of you guys and not being stupid with the stuff,i'll learn as much as i can before i go sticking my self...i wanna do this right...anyway back to the thread

    that sounds good to me,how often to take it? and also i read that letro will be good for a anti-e and bloating...anything else,it cant be that easy lol

    edit: can i mix the two in one shot?

  4. #4
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    I'd skip the letro and go with arimidex .
    Wouldn't hurt to have letro on hand but there is a good chance you won't need it. Deca can be shot twice a week, half the weekly dosage in each shot.
    What kind of test is it? If it's test e or cyp then twice a week will do there as well, if it's sust I'd go eod, if it's prop I'd go ed.

  5. #5
    eddy tye's Avatar
    eddy tye is offline Associate Member
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    ok,gettin closer

    can i take the test and deca at the same time? if so can i mix the two?

    also,what kinda dosage for the arimidex <p.s what is that,pill form? and in a short sence what dose it do?

    i would like to only do one shot a week,is this possible or to much to ask for,thanks a whole means alot

  6. #6
    Big's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by eddy tye
    ok,gettin closer

    can i take the test and deca at the same time? if so can i mix the two?

    also,what kinda dosage for the arimidex <p.s what is that,pill form? and in a short sence what dose it do?

    i would like to only do one shot a week,is this possible or to much to ask for,thanks a whole means alot
    what test do you have? if it's test e or test cyp, then twice a week is fine, and yes you could just mix them in the same syringe so you only have to do 2 injections a week.
    arimidex comes in pills, or you can get liquid research chems that are about the same thing. I have arimidex pills that are .25 each, so I just take one eod. Arimidex is an ai.

  7. #7
    Big's Avatar
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    click the word arimidex in my post and it will take you to Lion's research chem of the same product.

  8. #8
    eddy tye's Avatar
    eddy tye is offline Associate Member
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    not shure on the test,i dont wanna say and get wrong info,i'll know for shure monday...

    were do i get arimidex pill's? pm if possible,

    so,i take 250mg (test) twice a week for 12 weeks

    and 200mg (deca ) twice a week for 10 weeks

    and arimidex at sugg: dose for the whole cycle? and letro if i need it,due to gyno

    do i got it right?

  9. #9
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    can't ask for a pill source, just get the liquid from arr and you are good to go.
    On the test/how many shots per week will depend on what kind of test it is, follow up once you get it and we'll go from there.

  10. #10
    eddy tye's Avatar
    eddy tye is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ima******ger
    can't ask for a pill source, just get the liquid from arr and you are good to go.
    On the test/how many shots per week will depend on what kind of test it is, follow up once you get it and we'll go from there.
    that sounds awsome,thanks again for the time spent with me...i'll bother you again soon enough

  11. #11
    eddy tye's Avatar
    eddy tye is offline Associate Member
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    just a afternoon bump for any info at all on these two mussle agents,

    on a side note,what to expect from a cycle like this one (post#2)

  12. #12
    ottomaddox's Avatar
    ottomaddox is offline "Better Safe Than Sorry"
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    That is going to be determined by you, how much you eat, what you eat, when you eat, how you workout, how much sleep you're getting. There are many variables which will detemine the outcome of your proposed cycles.
    I couldn't even speculate how much you might gain if you do everthing perfect from start to finish.
    p.s. Good luck. your going to need it.

    Quote Originally Posted by eddy tye
    just a afternoon bump for any info at all on these two mussle agents,

    on a side note,what to expect from a cycle like this one (post#2)

  13. #13
    eddy tye's Avatar
    eddy tye is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ottomaddox
    That is going to be determined by you, how much you eat, what you eat, when you eat, how you workout, how much sleep you're getting. There are many variables which will detemine the outcome of your proposed cycles.
    I couldn't even speculate how much you might gain if you do everthing perfect from start to finish.
    p.s. Good luck. your going to need it.

    i understand diet and trianing is key!!! just wondering?

    what kinda luck do i need,please explane that? im gonna listen to everything that is told to me and what i read on this forum...shouldent be to hard

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