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Thread: test enth?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    test enth?

    I have one bottle of test enth and some anabol left over from another cycle. I dont think I can get another bottle so I was wondering if I could take 250mg a week intstead of the usually 500mg? Thanks for your help.

  2. #2
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    I wldn't use "scraps" to run a cycle.. I wld wait till you have enough gear and all your post gear goodies before you run a cycle.

  3. #3
    250 a week would be a waste long were you gonna run if for???

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    the average male produces 2.5 to 11mg of test a day! so you could do it but I probably would wait and get more.. remember when test is suspended in oil, 250mg per ml of test your only getting about 170mg of test..

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by gman13
    the average male produces 2.5 to 11mg of test a day! so you could do it but I probably would wait and get more.. remember when test is suspended in oil, 250mg per ml of test your only getting about 170mg of test..
    I believe the amount of actual test is dependent upon what type of ester it is binded to not the oil... less test with test e and c more test with prop and suspension.

  6. #6
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    The Steel City
    Quote Originally Posted by gman13
    the average male produces 2.5 to 11mg of test a day! so you could do it but I probably would wait and get more.. remember when test is suspended in oil, 250mg per ml of test your only getting about 170mg of test..
    do you have anything to back this up because i have never heard this

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by CheddaNips
    do you have anything to back this up because i have never heard this
    suspending it in oil has nothing to do with the amount of test you are actually getting per dose. The ester it is binded to plays a role in it.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    my bad! wrong word choosen but still the truth.. test e and c have less test than test suspension! If you shoot a 100mg of test suspension you get a 100mg of test for every 100mg of test e or c you only get about 70mg. as far as proof all you got to do is look at the profiles on this forum..

    As was noted before, testosterone can be considered one of the most powerful mass builders and testosterone suspension can be considered one of the most powerful of the testosterones simply due to the fact that it has no attached ester. This means that you are getting 100mgs of Test per 100mgs you inject; Suspension is the only version of Testosterone that can boast that claim. A growing reason why many athletes are choosing to use testosterone suspension instead of enanthate or other forms (besides the fact that it has a higher amount of pure testosterone resulting in greater results) is that it may be responsible for localized growth at the site inject like winstrol. Most athletes will also only use this form of testosterone in a bulking cycle as it is usually accompanied by high water retention, severe bloat, adipose storage, and gynomastia. This product also has a high level of aromitization into estrogen and coverts to DHT (dihydrotestosterone) as well. Of course, adding endogenous testosterone to your body will result in the shutting down of your own exogenous testosterone levels, as well as the hormones secreted which cause testosterone to be secreted by your testes.
    Last edited by gman13; 10-27-2007 at 10:03 PM.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by gman13
    my bad! wrong word choosen but still the truth.. test e and c have less test than test suspension! If you shoot a 100mg of test suspension you get a 100mg of test for every 100mg of test e or c you only get about 70mg. as far as proof all you got to do is look at the profiles on this forum..

    As was noted before, testosterone can be considered one of the most powerful mass builders and testosterone suspension can be considered one of the most powerful of the testosterones simply due to the fact that it has no attached ester. This means that you are getting 100mgs of Test per 100mgs you inject; Suspension is the only version of Testosterone that can boast that claim. A growing reason why many athletes are choosing to use testosterone suspension instead of enanthate or other forms (besides the fact that it has a higher amount of pure testosterone resulting in greater results) is that it may be responsible for localized growth at the site inject like winstrol. Most athletes will also only use this form of testosterone in a bulking cycle as it is usually accompanied by high water retention, severe bloat, adipose storage, and gynomastia. This product also has a high level of aromitization into estrogen and coverts to DHT (dihydrotestosterone) as well. Of course, adding endogenous testosterone to your body will result in the shutting down of your own exogenous testosterone levels, as well as the hormones secreted which cause testosterone to be secreted by your testes.

    Nice copy and paste...

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by topvega
    Nice copy and paste...
    hey just trying to speak the truth mate

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    Back from the dead.....
    Quote Originally Posted by gman13
    hey just trying to speak the truth mate
    just bustin your balls bro... I know I cldn't spell that many 50 cent words right if i tried to.....

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    thanks guys I was just going to run it until the bottle runs out but if its a waste of time then I will wait until i come across anothe source.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    happy hunting bro,i heard u yanks had a few domestics taken out

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