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  1. #1
    Thunderlips is offline New Member
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    please critique my first cycle

    18-20% bf
    29 yo

    Sustanon 300mg wk/12wks
    deca 150mg wk/10wks

    Diet 5000cal approx, consisting of good quality lean beef chicken fish, brown rice and heaps of veg. 2x protein shakes / day

    pct- A.Roberts

    I know the dosages are low from what i've read on the forum, but a mate just finished a cycle of sus 250mg/week and deca 100mg/wk. He gained 11kg and kept 9kg without using pct.(first cycle) I am not saying this is what I want to do, I have the pct compounds ready to go. What's a reasonable expectation for me to have using these amounts. BTW i've included the deca for joints as i've had knee and shoulder probs in the past. Also are sides likely with such a low dosage? Thanks in advance.

  2. #2
    hugovsilva's Avatar
    hugovsilva is offline Anabolic Member
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    For your weight I would reccomend 500mg of sustenon, but some guys here have had great results with 100mg eod, so that is my recomendation to you.
    Bump it if you feel the need.
    Honestly, i would drop the deca . At that dosage it will only contribute for suppression, and being your first cycle stick with test to see how you react.

    Apart from from that looks good to me.

  3. #3
    deltaguy is offline Junior Member
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    no way dude - is this a guess at your bf%? if it is, people tend to estimate lower.... that being acknowledged, you need to get your bf% in check. what is the point here? you will surely pack on some more fat --- is your goal 30% bf?

    I suggest you get your bf% down to at least 14% and that is measured not estimated. you will surely look better and be healthier for it.

  4. #4
    Thunderlips is offline New Member
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    Thanks for the replies guys. Hugosilva i'll cut the deca out and go 100mg eod as you suggested. I assume that if that is you in your avatar then you know what you're talking about. Deltaguy -yes this is an estimate on my bodyfat levels and of course my goal is NOT to reach 30%BF. What is the reason you would not start AAS until reaching about 14% BF. I'm not disagreeing or anything, i'm here to be educated.

  5. #5
    wayne69 is offline Associate Member
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    i would for sure drop the deca being its ur first me you dont want deca dick. for the test, i would run it at 500mgs/week shooting it every 3 to 4 days. and its great to hear that you have your pct together before you started. most newbies do not have their pct in check! good luck

  6. #6
    mx3 is offline Senior Member
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    sus should be shot eod. and I agree with hugovsilva at your weight 500 mg a wk is where you should be.

  7. #7
    Thunderlips is offline New Member
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    Thanks for the replies guys. i'll aim for 100mg shot eod. Do you guys think I should kick it off with 4 weeks of dianabol or anadrol or would you just stick with the test only

  8. #8
    NOZ's Avatar
    NOZ is offline Junior Member
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    Yes, add Dianabol (20mg - 40mg) for approx 3-4 weeks at the beginning of the cycle.
    I recommend you lower your bodyfat before starting the cycle.

    From experiance, i feel your doses are on the low end - especially the Deca .
    You will get better results at 400mg - 500mg Test and 300mg-400mg Deca.

    Let us know how you get on.

  9. #9
    hugovsilva's Avatar
    hugovsilva is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thunderlips
    Thanks for the replies guys. Hugosilva i'll cut the deca out and go 100mg eod as you suggested. I assume that if that is you in your avatar then you know what you're talking about. Deltaguy -yes this is an estimate on my bodyfat levels and of course my goal is NOT to reach 30%BF. What is the reason you would not start AAS until reaching about 14% BF. I'm not disagreeing or anything, i'm here to be educated.
    The aromatase is located primarily at fat cells, so the more fat you have the more aromatase you will have to convert testosterone to estrogen leading to more chances of estrogenic sides including water and fat retention and gyno.

  10. #10
    Thunderlips is offline New Member
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    Thanks for the advice guys. I will endeavour to cut the bf before I begin. Is about 14% a good level to aim for before cycle?

  11. #11
    Amorphic's Avatar
    Amorphic is offline Veritas, Aequitas ~
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    get your bf% checked with a caliper. if you're in decently good shape you shouldnt be near 20% bf. everyone can parrot on about how you need to be 10% bf for a cycle etc etc but you can start at any moderate range. obviously this should be kept within reason and you should be in great shape before you start a cycle, so if you want to cut down and feel like you are too round to start, then by all means that would be a wise choice.

    if you dont have a problem pinning eod with sustanon then hugovsilva has it right. otherwise you could always run the staple 500mg/w of test e for simplicitys sake.

    seems good to go though. make sure your diet is in check.

  12. #12
    Thunderlips is offline New Member
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    Thanks Amorphic, i'll spend a couple of months going hard on diet and training to lean up a little before I begin.

  13. #13
    deltaguy is offline Junior Member
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    hey thunderlips.... i am not speaking from personal experience mind you but i have had a lot of friends in similar shape and regret running their cycle before getting their bf in check. i say 14% because a lot of people will say getting to 10 or 12% is pretty tough... i disagree but i am not here to judge.

    at your bf% you are putting enough stress on your body and now you plan on adding aas to the mix. i just don't think it is in your best interest to do so.

    i assure you, at the end of the day, if you decide to run it while at this bf%, you will regret it.

    be safe, be smart and you will be happier in the end

  14. #14
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    Yeah I agree I think ur sus and deca doseage is way too low. Sus you need at least 500-750mg/week to be effective Deca is usually run at 400mg/week standard. But you're probably gonna retain water from the test and deca mixed together. If I had ur stats I'd run a cutting cycle first to shed that excess body mass but several members here would rather see you get cut w/o juicing. Your a pretty big guy from ur stats you really dont' need to bulk up much more you wont look rite. And go with a single ester test instead of sustanon its alot easier to keep ur blood levels stable. Multiblended esters are more when u get more experience with cycling.

  15. #15
    Thunderlips is offline New Member
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    Thanks for the replies guys. What do you suggest for a cutting cycle? I have winny available to me. I just wanted to keep the dosages a little on the low side being my first cycle. Sides worry me too.

  16. #16
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    Technically cuttin steroids are weaker than bulking steroids with the exception of Tren .
    You got alota flavors to choose from, anavar , test prop, dromastolone, winny, tren ace, turinabol , methenolone, but keep in mind that cutting cycles are alot more expensive than bulking cycles and u usually have to inject more often. I will say that test prop is a base to any cutting cycle pretty much, thats pretty much unanimous, now u just have to research and pick out another one and a good oral. come back when u have ur proposed cycle laid out and we can advise u better put ur stats and exp up as well.

  17. #17
    Consistency's Avatar
    Consistency is offline Extraordinarily Exorbitant
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    The only difference between cutting cycles and bulking cycles is your diet. You can cut or bulk with any AAS. Its just that some make you retain more water (deca , dbol etc) but most of the time this can be reduced using AI or SERMS.

    Just because you weigh more doesnt mean you need more testosterone . If you take 300mg a week thats still somewhere 6-10 times more then you prouce naturally.
    Last edited by Consistency; 11-02-2007 at 01:49 PM.

  18. #18
    deltaguy is offline Junior Member
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    I would save all aas for after your dieting down regiment. This will 1) allow you to have a healthy dieting experience, 2) you will find that once you are done dieting, it will be easier to maintain then if you used artificial dieting aids and 3) it will make your first cycle..... your first cycle and therefore you should really see some incredible results with being a virgin to aas.

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