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Thread: bonkers december cycle

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2001

    bonkers december cycle

    O.k. guys its been 10 weeks since I touched a needle and I am still holding all gains.I am on clen right now and other than the shakes it;s going well.I am 7 percent bodyfat and holding a weight of 228lbs at 5ft 10in.THis is my december cycle critique awaay.
    dbol 50mg/day
    week 1 -deca 300mg
    enanthate 650mg

    weeks 2-dbol 50 mg /day
    deca 300mg
    enan. 650mg
    week 3 -dbol 50mg/day
    deca 300mg
    enan. 650 mg
    week 4 -dbol 50mg/day
    deca 300mg
    week 5-deca 300mg
    week 6-deca 300mg
    week 7 -fina 80mg eod
    deca 300mg
    enan. 650mg
    hcg 5000ius
    week 8-fina 80mg eod
    deca 300mg
    5000ius hcg
    week 9 fina 80mg eod
    deca 300mg
    enan. 650 mg
    week 10 same as week9
    clomid therapy to follow.300mg 2 weeks after last enan.shot ,followed by 10 days at 100mg,then 10 days at 50 mg,then a week at 50mg eod.

    I am looking to gain and keep about 20-30lbs.THen competition time.
    Last edited by bonker; 11-03-2001 at 07:26 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 1969
    Outside your bedroom wind
    Looks fabulous. The only thing I'd say, to get you even MORE ready for contest is to switch to prop the last 3 weeks of your cycleand drop the deca as well, continue fina with the prop and concentrate on hardering and solidifying gains those last few weeks. Then you can start clomid almost right after cycle, instead of waiting for 2-3 weeks. If you weren't competing, I'd say, screw it and go enanth the whole way, but you it's better to be ready, then rushing at the last second. If you tune it in too early, you can always carb up, and then cut down quick. As longa s your already there. Also, i dont know if you're an avid fan of HCG...if you all means take it, but if not, i dont believe it's necessary. Besides this, cycle looks great, and your stats as of today are QUITE impressive. 7% at 230...Man, one day , I'd love to have those stats. Good luck with your cycle and bring the ole Sandow back to AR for all of us to see.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Jesus Lord is there not a simpler way you can pot that? I got through the first couple lines and found myself tired of trying to sift through it and was not keen on having another 50 lines to work through, so I quit.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2001

    QUOTE]Originally posted by Nathan
    Jesus Lord is there not a simpler way you can pot that? I got through the first couple lines and found myself tired of trying to sift through it and was not keen on having another 50 lines to work through, so I quit. [/QUOTE]

    thets what i'm saying! man, that got me dizzy...

  5. #5
    i gave up on it also hehehe

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 1969
    Outside your bedroom wind
    Come on guys, suck it up. If I can read it, anyone can. I'm not that intellectual, or smart for that matter. So, it should be cake for yall to read.

  7. #7
    For all of you with no patience (Actually, it kicked my ass trying to read it, too.... man I had to whip up a protein shake to recover from that one!! ):

    T Enanth 650mg/w for wks 1-10
    Deca 300mg/w for wks 1-10
    DBol 50mg/d for wks 1-4
    Fina 80mgs/eod for wks 7-10

    Hope that helps pry a few more responses out because people can actually understand it! LOL

    Personally, I think it looks pretty good, although I would probably throw some winny in with the fina for the last 4 weeks to help harden up more for pre-contest.... just my .02

    Damn fine stats too bro. Keep pumpin

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Calgary Canada

    I'm in with papapump. Switch to prop at the end- like weeks 7-10.
    Also, 300mg/week of deca is kind of a weird number- but i take it you have 1 3000mg bottle of the stuff.
    If you switch to the short esters at the end of the cycle-fina/prop, I'd say you should also ditch the deca well before week 10. Try something like 400mg/week for weeks 1-7 with 600mg in week 1.

    And I'd recommend liquidex throughout the cycle. I dont' think the HCG will be required at all. I've got no experience with HCG- but the liquidex does a good job of keeping the 'nads happy.

    and those are some pretty nice stats bro....

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    sorry guys.Had a few beers in me.Makes me dizzy looking at it now that I'm sober.Thanx for the replies.I love hcg and use it in all cycles.Seems to work awesome for me.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Vegas, NV
    Looks good, IMO i wouldnt use the HCG because your delaying recovery (unless bridging).The bros gave some solid advice on time efficiency with the fast esters. Nothing left for me to say other than good luck!

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2001


    winny @ the end would be cool. switch to prop or just use arimidex, it should work just as well

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 1969
    Outside your bedroom wind
    Originally posted by bonker
    sorry guys.Had a few beers in me.
    Ok, now this REALLY sucks (well for me, not for you), you drink beer and still you sit at 7%... Life isn't fair.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    sorry papa. the gene pool was generous.I still take in a ton a calories.ANd lose weight.

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