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  1. #1
    Auss11e's Avatar
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    Rule for source checks??

    I just wanted to comment on the rules to be met for source checks.
    I personally feel that the 100 post 45 day rule can be a bit excessive for some people, however i do understand why this rule is in place and i think this is mainly to protect the integrity of legit sources.
    In my case i have only 8 posts but have been a member here for over 45 days, now many of the questions i could pose in a thread i simply get answers to by using the search function. I spend atleast an hour each day cruising the forum but simply feel that in order to get my posts up to 100 within (at best) 12 months i would have to ask questions that i already know the answer to (and this is when you get responses telling you to do more research).
    Basically i dont feel that replying to threads and providing my limited knowledge or posting "Bogus" threads to get a count up is something i would contemplate doing so It looks like no sources for me eventhough I would consider myself somebody who is learning from other threads on how to become a productive member.
    Just for the record sources aren't one of my priorities here as i already have one!!
    What does everyone else think? Not trying to start crap here but thats just my view on this!

  2. #2
    InsaneInTheMembrane's Avatar
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    I think no rules are without their pitfalls. And I agree, my first 100 posts were the hardest to achieve because even if you know your $hit, you don't want to come off as an annoying know-it-all newbie.

    However, on the other hand, if the rules dont exist at all, any newbie and their pet iguana can flood other long standing member's post box with dumb PMs and annoying source checks. At least the 45 day 100 post limit garantees that a member has been around somewhat long enough to understand the policies of the board. I also don't feel you need to make bogus posts to up your count... just contribute the best way you know how from personal experience...


  3. #3
    Auss11e's Avatar
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    Well said, nevertheless it's gonna take me and im guessing a lot of other "genuine" newbie members a fair while to get our posts up when you can almost search for any newbie sorta question and find that it has been asked before!
    I would like to add too that i respect that other members have been in this position and made themselves productive members, I wanted to touch on this subject a bit not only for myself but for other new members aswell.......

  4. #4
    sphincter is offline Member
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    I just try to read the threads people post asking questions then I do the reearch for them on here and post my findings as an answer to their question.. that's how I learn from their questions AND get my post count up all while being a productive and contributing member of the community

  5. #5
    Big's Avatar
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    This board is for informational purposes regarding safe and responsible usage of compounds you may or may not obtain on your own. I have been around for a long time and this is one of the most comprehensive collections of said information you will come across. The bottom line is that anyone who joined this board just to try to find a source or just to get a source-check has come to the wrong place.

  6. #6
    scottish is offline Associate Member
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    If you just joined the board to find sources, I think you entered into the wrong door.

  7. #7
    sphincter is offline Member
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    from waht I understood though, Auss11e joined for information purposes long ago and has simply not been an active poster but now wishes he had been since he could now use the benefits afforded by notoriety and popularity on this board... a source check in the midst of being a contributing member is not a bad thing but as ima******ger says, joining just for source/source check would be bad idea..

  8. #8
    sphincter is offline Member
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    sorry, I confused auss11e for a different guy who joined in '05 and had fewer than 100 posts.. sorry; my mistake.

  9. #9
    Auss11e's Avatar
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    Well im glad my names been dragged out of the mud fairly quickly!!
    How did it get to this lol??????????????????????

  10. #10
    DaddyB is offline New Member
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    Why the hell are all these people indirectly asking for source checks lately? I think everyone is already on to the "I know the rules but....." shit! Just be thankful you have a place to go to gain a wealth of knowledge that would otherwise be unavailable.

  11. #11
    scaramouche's Avatar
    scaramouche is offline Senior Member
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    if u could source check left right and centre it wouldnt be long before the wrong kind of ppl start coming here and start drawing the wrong kind off attention,theres enough heat on us as it is without adding to it

  12. #12
    Small Guy112 is offline Junior Member
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    i agree but u have to keep in mind the mods have to protect the sources.... if i sold i wouldnt like my info be given to just anybody..... remember they get sent away for a long time if busted i think the rules are fair!

  13. #13
    Marek is offline New Member
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    I understand the need to protect domestic sources but what about getting information on sources that are overseas and sell legally? What is there to protect in a situation like this? Getting opinions from people here about an overseas supplier on a forum like this would be invaluable. I am new here and this forum has a wealth of information and has been great for me. I typically use the search function as well and it will be a long time before I get to 100 posts

  14. #14
    green22's Avatar
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    I know what you mean. SOme folks just dont post much but read all the time. That what Ive done for years on other boards. Some of us dont have all day to sit at a computer and ansure the same questions over ond over again. Post count equals respect in many cases, is it right, no but that just the way its. Im just gonna try to be more active. This seems like a good board, and doesnt apear to be slow like so many others. Thats what I like. Lets just enjoy...

  15. #15
    Roidal's Avatar
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    It's just a favor that some people do. Better to have it this way, then not having it at all.

  16. #16
    Marinos is offline Junior Member
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    I'm in the same boat as Auss11e, finding it difficult to get the post count up because a] I got *most* of the information i needed through searches b] Although im positive I know *some* of the answers to questions floating around here, i technically don't have any REAL experiance with roids, so I shouldn't be giving "advice" about anything I haven't dealt with.

    So if I have little to ask, and no experiance to share, it's a bit of a stretch to crack the 45 post limit. Having said that, I do spend alot of time here searching, I wish there was a mechanism on here which could record the length of time you spend on here, to show how serious we are, despite having a low post count.

  17. #17
    Big's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Marinos View Post
    it's a bit of a stretch to crack the 45 post limit. Having said that, I do spend alot of time here searching, I wish there was a mechanism on here which could record the length of time you spend on here, to show how serious we are, despite having a low post count.
    The rule for source checks is 45 days and 100 posts, but many are not doing source checks anyway due to recent activity. Please understand our side of it, I could have known 2 dozen labs I would vouch for 6 months ago, but I won't vouch for them now. How could I? When I give the ok to a source check it is from personal experience, but you couldn't pay me to order anything right now, and I would rather not give any checks than to steer someone the wrong way with potentially bad advice.
    In addition to that, in the last 6 weeks we have been inundated with new members chomping at the bit to get source checks. Granted a lot of people lost their sources, but that being said it isn't out of the question for LE to join just to try to find more sources to bust. Just because someone cracks the 45 day 100 post limit, how do we really know who we are talking to? Personally I am out of the source check business until further notice, I hope all members understand why I feel this is necessary.

  18. #18
    PEWN's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ima******ger View Post
    The rule for source checks is 45 days and 100 posts, but many are not doing source checks anyway due to recent activity. Please understand our side of it, I could have known 2 dozen labs I would vouch for 6 months ago, but I won't vouch for them now. How could I? When I give the ok to a source check it is from personal experience, but you couldn't pay me to order anything right now, and I would rather not give any checks than to steer someone the wrong way with potentially bad advice.
    In addition to that, in the last 6 weeks we have been inundated with new members chomping at the bit to get source checks. Granted a lot of people lost their sources, but that being said it isn't out of the question for LE to join just to try to find more sources to bust. Just because someone cracks the 45 day 100 post limit, how do we really know who we are talking to? Personally I am out of the source check business until further notice, I hope all members understand why I feel this is necessary.

    bump for good resoning and a great post....

  19. #19
    Marinos is offline Junior Member
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    I'm cool with that. Its a difficult position, so its better to be safe then sorry, which i understand.

    TBH, I had no idea source checks even existed on this site. I was simply here for information, and spent months lurking. Unfortunatly there was alot I did not know, hence why I began to show a little interest in source checks when i registered. But given the current circumstances, I understand why everything is the way it is.

  20. #20
    topnotch is offline Member
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    I dont blame you at all ima****** you've said before, this place isn't for gaining sources, it's for gaining knowledge...there's no reason to put yourself at risk, or any sources at risk for that matter, at this time especially...people should be understanding...if they were in your shoes, they'd feel the same way...but i'd just like to say thanks, b/c you've brought a lot of good knowledge here, and i appreciate you and the other mods and vets doing your things, and helping all of us out here...thanks

  21. #21
    Big's Avatar
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    Thanks bro, we're all doing our best.

  22. #22
    whiteowl is offline Associate Member
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    Good comments....and agree....when you get on this site you realize how many people really know their stuff and across a wide spectrum of this subject....i could spend a week trying to think of something original but my interest has been HRT....and this site has given me more info than the specialists and GP's combined.....and i believe source checking is one of the most responsible tasks any person could undertake.....but so is becoming intimately familiar with the subject....good thread mate

  23. #23
    Auss11e's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by topnotch View Post
    I dont blame you at all ima****** you've said before, this place isn't for gaining sources, it's for gaining knowledge...there's no reason to put yourself at risk, or any sources at risk for that matter, at this time especially...people should be understanding...if they were in your shoes, they'd feel the same way...but i'd just like to say thanks, b/c you've brought a lot of good knowledge here, and i appreciate you and the other mods and vets doing your things, and helping all of us out here...thanks
    Totally agree aswell, great job all senior members/moderators do here. I do understand and i wouldn't want the rules to change.
    I was just thinking (god help us) but the rules her seem to be followed very well compared to other forums. My question is: As far as protecting sources for obvious reasons does anyone think that some of the more "relaxed" forums may be not so careful in comprimising the chance of good sources getting busted?? I don't know, does this happen cos i'd imagine it would mean a huge influx of scammers flooding the forums!!

  24. #24
    Auss11e's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DaddyB View Post
    Why the hell are all these people indirectly asking for source checks lately? I think everyone is already on to the "I know the rules but....." shit! Just be thankful you have a place to go to gain a wealth of knowledge that would otherwise be unavailable.
    P.s. I will repeat: I DO NOT WANT A SOURCE CHECK, I HAVE ONE!! Not like anythings gonna pass through Australian customs now anyway!

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