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  1. #1
    Auss11e's Avatar
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    Just had first injection!!!

    Hi there i just wanted to share my first experience with aas.
    My gf just gave me a 1ml shot of Sus 250 (organon) (glute) and i must say the hands were a bit sweaty and shit but there was absolutely no pain or discomfort(just a smile)
    I will be doing another 1ml in 3 or 4 days, I,ve been training for about 18months on/off due to injury(wrist)
    Ive pulled a good diet from this forum and hopefully i get some good results off 500mg per week!!!

  2. #2
    majormobley is offline Junior Member
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    just woundering, are you running anything else but 500mgs of sust. a week.
    I would put in some d-bols for the firs 4weeks just to kick start it, and maybe some EQ- or Deca with the sust. Just my two cents

  3. #3
    Auss11e's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by majormobley View Post
    just woundering, are you running anything else but 500mgs of sust. a week.
    I would put in some d-bols for the firs 4weeks just to kick start it, and maybe some EQ- or Deca with the sust. Just my two cents
    Well i had Test cyp on order for my first time but this fell through and now i got the sust so just sust only. Looking to to shed some bf through low intensity cardio and gain some lean muscle from training and eating plenty!!
    I thought about stacking with Dbol but i wanted to see how it goes being my first time and all........

  4. #4
    dedic8ed1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by majormobley View Post
    just woundering, are you running anything else but 500mgs of sust. a week.
    I would put in some d-bols for the firs 4weeks just to kick start it, and maybe some EQ- or Deca with the sust. Just my two cents
    I agree,even for a first timer a second compound could really bring out the best of your first cycle.My first cycle was a 10 week banger of nile suss with deca and I had really good results.

  5. #5
    largerthannormal's Avatar
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    not necessary to add dbol the first time thru. i always advise to use it the second time through with test. then the third time us test and dbol and add a 19nor possibly deca .. but at first i always would advise to start with the least amount possibly just to see how u react! cycle looks okay . but but saying every 3 or 4 days u make us wonder how well u got this planned? PCT in check???????

  6. #6
    dedic8ed1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by largerthannormal View Post
    not necessary to add dbol the first time thru. i always advise to use it the second time through with test. then the third time us test and dbol and add a 19nor possibly deca.. but at first i always would advise to start with the least amount possibly just to see how u react! cycle looks okay . but but saying every 3 or 4 days u make us wonder how well u got this planned? PCT in check???????
    Good point on pct,which is just as or more important then the cycle itself.I think this part of the game is over looked by the new comers.

  7. #7
    profbiv's Avatar
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    Welcome to the dark side!!!

  8. #8
    largerthannormal's Avatar
    largerthannormal is offline Productive Member
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    agreed! i also would agree dbol would have a great affect to his cycle i just thought on his first try it would be a bit safer to see his reaction and watch for estrogen related signs! if all goes well def add dbol on your 2nd cycle....and yeah def PCT is way overlooked still no word on what he is gonna be running for it, which tells me he doesnt think its that important!

  9. #9
    Big's Avatar
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    sust should be shot every other day for stable levels, one amp every 3 or 4 days and your levels will not be stable and you will greatly increase your chances of sides.
    what do you have planned for pct?

  10. #10
    nowdenlid is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ima******ger View Post
    sust should be shot every other day for stable levels, one amp every 3 or 4 days and your levels will not be stable and you will greatly increase your chances of sides.
    what do you have planned for pct?
    eod or twice per week ,i am starting to belive there is no huge difference when it comes to sides,have a read of this posted by MAGIC in another thread

    Sust is a blend of: 30 mg prop; 60 mg isocaproate; 60 mg phenylpropionate; and 100 mg decanoate, equalling 250mgs.

    But each mg. (amount) is weighted by the number of carbons in the ester (dictates release rate) giving us weights of: prop = 3; iso = 6; phenyl = 9; and deca = 10.

    So looking above Decanoate is the greatest ingredient by amount at 100mgs and by weight at 10 carbons, and is followed by phenyl and iso, both relatively heavy at 9 & 6 carbons respectively and high in moderate in content at 60mgs each for 48% of the total blend.

    This clearly illustrates that Sust 250 is a rather strong, fairly heavy blend that can easily be shot twice weekly with VERY well-controlled blood concentrations.

  11. #11
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    MAGIC is far more knowledgeable than I am on these subjects so I yield to him, but keep in mind everyone is different. I have personally shot it twice a week before I was told different, and shot it eod, with the exact same product I had far more shoulder and back acne when using twice a week. Just my 2 cents.

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