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  1. #1
    power10er is offline Junior Member
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    Exclamation Test Enan + Decca ADVICE???

    I am 6'1" 180lbs age 30 (BF 16-18% guessing)
    I am going to repost because I used some incorrect wording in my last post and was not clear.
    I would like to hear any and all advice about stacking Test Enan and Decca!! I am not positive that i will use them both I just have them both available right away. I also have my Winstrol ready too. I am not going to start my cycle until I feel I have researched and heard from others enough to achieve my goals. I would like to put on as much LEAN muscle mass as possible. Lean being the key word and then I will focus more on cutting. I am not opposed to buying different gear if several of you feel it is neccesary or would be better. I have heard and read so much about tren being great for lean mass and less water retention?? So please post away and if you have time post an actual cycle for me.
    Reminder: I have Test Enan, decca, and winny tabs available now. Feel like I need it?...Convince me to buy more or different.

  2. #2
    Geeezer's Avatar
    Geeezer is offline Senior Member
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    cutting drop the Deca .'
    go with the test 500 a week 8 to 10 weeks
    run winnie for the last 4 weeks 50 a day

  3. #3
    ChuckLee's Avatar
    ChuckLee is offline Scammer
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    10 weeks of test E 500mg/week
    Deca , as Geeeser said, could let you gain more fat and water...
    I would suggest to add 40mg/day of Dbol for the first 6 weeks and then substitute it with the winny for the remaining 4 weeks.

  4. #4
    power10er is offline Junior Member
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    Awesome back pic man. WIDE!!!!!!

  5. #5
    ChuckLee's Avatar
    ChuckLee is offline Scammer
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    Quote Originally Posted by power10er View Post
    Awesome back pic man. WIDE!!!!!!
    Yeah thanks bro.
    It's one of my best...

  6. #6
    power10er is offline Junior Member
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    What about equipoise ?

  7. #7
    power10er is offline Junior Member
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    and how many mg are in 1cc of Test Enan??

  8. #8
    power10er is offline Junior Member
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    Oh yeah and maybe some ideas on PCT

  9. #9
    ChuckLee's Avatar
    ChuckLee is offline Scammer
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    My Guy's poophole
    EQ should be a great alternative to deca (no water, less sides). 400mg/week
    Usually test E is 250mg/ml.
    For PCT, write down the definitive cycle idea first.

  10. #10
    power10er is offline Junior Member
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    What about the mg/ml for EQ? I have always just built a stack or talked based on cc's so I dont have a clue about the mg

    For my stack I am going with your advice. I have researched most of what you said and it sounds pretty realistic and legit.

    I will do 10 weeks of the Test Enan @ 500mg/week
    How long should I run the EQ @ 400mg/week
    I am thinking seriously about using tren or clen also within the cycle (any suggestions)
    Then I need your help with my PCT and dosages and when to begin it and finish it.

    I really appreciate your help.

  11. #11
    juicejunkie2's Avatar
    juicejunkie2 is offline Associate Member
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    10 weeks on the Test E isn't a bad start but I'd probably go with 12 weeks @500mg/wk. Also, as stated above I'd run the Winni the final 4-5 wks at 50mg/day. I've personally always had Deca in my cycles because I like the joint protection it offers but then again I have a bumb knee and shoulder. I've always enjoyed the results also. If you have access to any agent then maybe research var.. better than winni IMO but much more expensive.

  12. #12
    power10er is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by juicejunkie2 View Post
    10 weeks on the Test E isn't a bad start but I'd probably go with 12 weeks @500mg/wk. Also, as stated above I'd run the Winni the final 4-5 wks at 50mg/day. I've personally always had Deca in my cycles because I like the joint protection it offers but then again I have a bumb knee and shoulder. I've always enjoyed the results also. If you have access to any agent then maybe research var.. better than winni IMO but much more expensive.
    How would you suggest incorporating the Var? Could I use it and the winny?? I have some winny left from a previous cycle is why I chose it.

  13. #13
    juicejunkie2's Avatar
    juicejunkie2 is offline Associate Member
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    I personally like var because of the low sides ... only oral I've ever done. Winny is more androgenic vs var so you'd see more results I would assume but then again everyone is different. As for doing both, people do use them all time with good results but watch out for the hepatotoxicity. I'm sure someone with more experiance will answer the use of both soon and their results.

  14. #14
    power10er is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by juicejunkie2 View Post
    I personally like var because of the low sides ... only oral I've ever done. Winny is more androgenic vs var so you'd see more results I would assume but then again everyone is different. As for doing both, people do use them all time with good results but watch out for the hepatotoxicity. I'm sure someone with more experiance will answer the use of both soon and their results.
    Thanks for the advice man.

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