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Thread: 2nd Cycle

  1. #1
    CheddaNips is offline Senior Member
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    2nd Cycle

    I recently fell into a good bit of money (inheritance)(sp?) and fortunally my source just got a huge shipment in from the UK. So i decided to get all the crap i need for my second cycle now and keep it till my spring/summer Bulk/cutter. I can get as much as i want of the following compounds. Test E/TestC, tren , prop, EQ, deca , winny(tabs), A-bombs, clen and HCG . I was thinking about doing a TEST/TREN/Winny cycle. . it will proably be from April-June 08.
    so i want to put on a decent amount of size and cut down for the summer with the winny. If you have dosing suggestions or other compounds to add/cut out then please let me know

  2. #2
    Consistency's Avatar
    Consistency is offline Extraordinarily Exorbitant
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    wk 1-12 Test Prop 75mg ED
    wk 1-8 Tren 60mg ED
    wk 7-12 Winny 50mg ED

    Clen 2 weeks on 2 off throughout
    AI or SERM of your choice
    PCT 3 days after last shot

  3. #3
    CheddaNips is offline Senior Member
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    Thanks bro

  4. #4
    CheddaNips is offline Senior Member
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    What if i want to stay away from the prop, should i sub it with A long estered test and add a fast acting oral

  5. #5
    Consistency's Avatar
    Consistency is offline Extraordinarily Exorbitant
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    Quote Originally Posted by CheddaNips View Post
    What if i want to stay away from the prop, should i sub it with A long estered test and add a fast acting oral
    you said you want to run tren , so if you are shooting ED then might as well as prop with the shots.

    if you dont wanna shoot ED then try something like this

    wk 1-13 Test E 500mg
    wk 1-12 EQ 400mg
    wk 10-15 Winny 50mg ED

    PCT 2 weeks after last test shot

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    insane asylum
    Whats your stats?

  7. #7
    CheddaNips is offline Senior Member
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    Its not that i dont want to inject every day but im just concerned that alot of people complain about the pain of prop and it could affect my workout days. If i am wrong about prop, then let me know.
    I dont know much about the tren aspect of ed injections, but i have researched tren alot.
    I was thinking that i could use sust and inject eod oe just run cyp or enan and kickstart with an oral alik a50 or d-bol. I hear from alot of proplr that eq isnt worth it.

    If it is best to use prop then i will trust vets of this site and use it with no complaints, i was just trying to consider my options if i could run cyp or enan with tren. I want tren because of its strong anabolic effects and how it leans you out. If i dont think i could take ed injects then i wouldnt use aas. Just lookin for opinions

  8. #8
    hugovsilva's Avatar
    hugovsilva is offline Anabolic Member
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    If it is you first run with tren , the ace ester would be a wise choice as it clears faster is problems occur. Since tren ace has to be injected ed, its smart to get a testosterone with a similar injecting protocol. Test prop would be the choice here.

    Prop is not painfull for everyone. Some people react bad to prop others don't, but having a good clean product helps a lot.

    About the equipoise is like someone here said: "its hit or miss". Some people love it some don't even care for it. I have gotten gotten good results from it in the past, then next year I didn't (guess it was fake or underdosed).

    So IMO the best choice would be the cycle proposed by Consistency.

  9. #9
    CheddaNips is offline Senior Member
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    yep thats what i decided to go for. . i called my guy and he is comin up on sunday. 7vials of prop, 3000mg winny, 3 vials of tren ace. Thanks guys

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