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Thread: Why is Winstrol Depot known for bring up laging body parts when spot injected?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2001

    Why is Winstrol Depot known for bring up laging body parts when spot injected?

    I mean why cant you inject Test, EQ, etc- into muscle to bring them up...what's the deal with winny? Or is this theory just fiction? Why don't we hit other muscle more often? Because 1, 2, 3cc's is just too much for a certain body part? I would like to hit my Quads or calves to help bring them up, I want monster legs...anyone got advice on this subject?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    anytime you go i.m. into a particular muscle group, that mucsle receieves the deposit of AAS prior to it being absorbed and tranported to other muscle groups........

    there is an ongoing debate on this........i can tell you that after sterile filtering Ref-B and using it in my dealts that they grew well and my quads.........well, i have nice quad developement and strength as i often put the bulk of i.m. AAS in my quads.

    trail and a search on other boards as there are bros much more knowledgable than i on the subject


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2001


    its all about the ester. short acting wont have as much of a chance to clear the area. train the bodypart you spot inj a close to the injection as possible, ie less than a few hours.

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