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  1. #1
    mattuk is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2005

    finally sorted first tren cycle out.

    here we go,
    25 yo 180lbs 11 % bf

    3 rd cycle, although last one was about 3 years ago.

    WKS 1-10 test e 500 mg /wk
    wks 1-3 prop 50 mg ed
    wks 1-6 tren a 50mg ed
    wks 9-12 wiiny tabs 40 mg ed

    t3 at 0.25 mcg ed whilst on tren
    200 mg vit b6 ed

    nolve and clomid pct.

    im from uk and just cant get hold of any caber or bromo .

  2. #2
    GettinBigga's Avatar
    GettinBigga is offline New Member
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    Whats the full medical names for the stuff your after?

  3. #3
    mattuk is offline Junior Member
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    Apr 2005
    i belive its cabergoline

  4. #4
    GettinBigga's Avatar
    GettinBigga is offline New Member
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    Ah ill see what i can get later on.

    22 5'11" 175lb (not sure on bodyfat, how can i work it out?)

    Im currently on

    2 weeks D-Bol 40mg a day
    5 weeks Sust 250 500mg a week (2x250mg)
    Syrum creatine (30 mins before routine and straight after)
    200mg protein supplement a day

    3000 / 3500 calories a day!

    Seems to be doing the trick!

  5. #5
    kif's Avatar
    kif is offline Member
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    If you can extend the test for 12 weeks and the tren for 8 weeks

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    insane asylum
    Quote Originally Posted by mattuk View Post
    here we go,
    25 yo 180lbs 11 % bf

    3 rd cycle, although last one was about 3 years ago.

    WKS 1-10 test e 500 mg /wk
    wks 1-3 prop 50 mg ed
    wks 1-6 tren a 50mg ed
    wks 9-12 wiiny tabs 40 mg ed

    t3 at 0.25 mcg ed whilst on tren
    200 mg vit b6 ed

    nolve and clomid pct.

    im from uk and just cant get hold of any caber or bromo .
    I would run the tren untill week 8 and the winny for 5 weeks might also want to extend the prop till week 4 hopfully by then the long ester would have kicked in and lastly a good AI will benifit your pct.

    good luck

  7. #7
    millionairemurph's Avatar
    millionairemurph is offline Senior Member
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    id seriously consider getting caber or bromo or not doing the tren . Both me and a a friend started tren with 50 mg a day and i started getting gyno from it in 3-5 days. I got some caber and never again did i have burning itching nips. It was so bad i couldnt think about anything else.

  8. #8
    sphincter is offline Member
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    I have had absolutely -0- problems with the tren and I have used 4 different kinds from 3 diff sources.. I did get the caber for just in case but I am rocin my tren cycle sans caber for now... but I agree it is a good idea to have in ase.. especially if you're sensitive to tren's sides.

  9. #9
    Consistency's Avatar
    Consistency is offline Extraordinarily Exorbitant
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    your already doing 6 weeks of ED shots, why not just used prop the whole way through?

    I would extend the tren to week 8 and run the winny for 6 weeks till PCT

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