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  1. #1
    anastasio is offline Junior Member
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    Jun 2002

    Unhappy t3 is making me sick, help

    im taking cytomel , for the first time, i took it for 2-3 days 1 pill per day, 25mcg and i am experiencing some sideeffects like headache (POUNDING!) , fever,weak muscles ,anginous pain and trembling, i feel like shit, i got no energy i can barely get out of bed, i couldnt even workout today. fuck what should i do, i dont wanna stop this taking cytomel so i can lose all my body fat and im doing a fairly good diet, im not deiting down but im leaning down. then after im done this im gonna blow up on a hardcore juice stack-ish. i really feel like shit

  2. #2
    anastasio is offline Junior Member
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    Jun 2002
    bump , im dieing here guys help man, fuck i got the worst headache i ever had in my life and i had it all day long 20 hours now

  3. #3
    Big_Dippin's Avatar
    Big_Dippin is offline Associate Member
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    I'm no expert so take this for what its worth. Cut back on the dosage and then up it slowly up it. Somebody with some experience please help!

  4. #4
    samoth's Avatar
    samoth is offline Member
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    I have never experienced any of those sides, but I would suggest ceasing the T3 if it is making you feel that bad. 25mcg isnt a very large amount either... I agree with the cutting back and then upping slowly as your body allows.

  5. #5
    Rickson's Avatar
    Rickson is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Sounds more like the sus flu. Are you taking any AAS with the T-3?

  6. #6
    anastasio is offline Junior Member
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    Jun 2002
    i dont know what aas is and a not so common side effect with t3 is flu like symtons, i took a few tylenol 3 and it took 50% of pain away, ,,i can handle it now. as long as i got my t3 to go with my cytomel .

  7. #7
    the original jason is offline AR-Hall of Famer / Retired
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    as long as i got my t3 to go with my cytomel .

    that is the same thing, I have never heard of nor had those side effects from t3 sometimes I got a few palpitations but no flu or fever easy way to find out is to stop wait a few days then try again you will know what it was


  8. #8
    hitmeoff's Avatar
    hitmeoff is offline Associate Member
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    AAS is anabolic androgenic steroids , which you SHOULD be on if your on T3.

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