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Thread: First Cycle...Critique

  1. #1

    First Cycle...Critique

    What's up fellas, I'm new to the board. I am about to run my first cycle. I'm going to run test prop for a little over 11 weeks with HCG during and Nolva after. Any suggestions?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2007
    for a first cycle test e or c is recommended. most newbies cant handle the ed injections plus prop can be painful. also how much test, hcg, do you plan on using. what are your stats.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Yeah whats your Stats man?

  4. #4
    I can handle the every other day injections for the low sides&low water retention. I'm gonna be takin 100mg of test prop every other day and 500 IU of HCG starting the 2nd week and running it that way until half way through then I'm gonna take a week off of the HCG and start it back wit the same dosage. I will have 4 bottles of prop and 10,000 IU of HCG. I'm 5'10, 170 lbs., and right now I'm bout 6% body fat. The hand held reads 9.7 while the body reads about 6%, everybody is asking me if I leaned out for a competition but it's from lifting weights and basketball being my post workout cardio which I know is hard to gain mass but I love the game! Get back at me

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Canada - No source checks
    if i was shooting prop i would shoot ed for stable blood levels

  6. #6
    50mg every day?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by BigBody31 View Post
    50mg every day?
    I would suggest that aswell bump it to 75mg ED though Plus start your HCG at the beginning of week 3 and run it @ 300-400iu's EOD all the way till the day before your last shot of prop as HCG is suppressive and you want it to clear out of your system before the prop does.... also your goona wanna run an AI throughout the cycle something light like arimidex or aromasin and only because HCG cause a spike in estrogen and can cause gyno if your prone...

    I have to agree with mx3 BTW though as ED shots suck ass and right now I'm on 2 a day =P Love the results but goddamn is two a day shooting a pain in the ass...
    Last edited by soulstealer; 11-10-2007 at 10:31 AM.

  8. #8
    I was told to take my HCG starting week two, stop halfway during, and continue it out once I start back. Is 100mg every other day not sufficient? And this is the first I have been told to take an AI. A friend of mine who is going for his pro card next year said not to even run HCG during, not arimidex. He said they could halter my gains and prop being at 100mg every other day I should have no sides. Talk to me

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    I would drop the HCG all together
    up the prop to 150mg eod, you should see good results in 8 weeks although you could run it 11 with no prob.
    nolva 20 mg/aromasin 15-20mg ed for 4-6 weeks starting 3-4days post cycle
    you can run a mild dose of AI like arimidex at like .25 mg ed to reduce chance of gyno or ommit and see what happens.

  10. #10
    so no HCG? I wanna keep my nuts going as good as possible without causing them any atrophy and from users I have been told that this is the way to go. This is my first cycle and you think i should roll with 150 mg every other day?

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    My Guy's poophole
    No need of HCG during IMO.
    Your balls will return to be nice-shaped with pct.

  12. #12
    but HCG is not going to hurt neither is it? should I run it now or go head and save it for PCT

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Canada - No source checks
    hcg wont hurt, as long as you dont over do it. it can lead to desensitization of lh and fsh.

    a lot of guys say using it in the weeks before pct makes recovery a lot better.

    give it a try.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Being your first cycle, I think doing prop is just a bad idea. Most prop you find out there is very painful post injection for many days. You will get some swelling and redness if its your first time. I wouldnt be surprised if you miss a few workouts because the pain is bad enough. So not only will you be doing injections every day, each one is going to have a decent amount of pain. Do some test cyp or enanthate instead. One 2cc injection per week, or two 1cc injections per week will do you. This will give you time to become accustomed to doing injections and acclimate to post injection pain.

  15. #15
    I know prop is painful and I can handle that. I do not want the bloat of Test E and Prop is going to be my choice. I have researched plenty and there is no doubt Prop is the way I'm going. My question now is with the HCG...should I run it during cycle or should I go with it after cycle? I have an article from a dr. that says definitely during because it will keep my nuts going. I'm having doubts from people on what do you recommend

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    I think 500mg of Cyp or Enan for 12 weeks would be good. PCT with what you have access to either clomid, nolva, and hcg.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by BigBody31 View Post
    I know prop is painful and I can handle that. I do not want the bloat of Test E and Prop is going to be my choice. I have researched plenty and there is no doubt Prop is the way I'm going. My question now is with the HCG...should I run it during cycle or should I go with it after cycle? I have an article from a dr. that says definitely during because it will keep my nuts going. I'm having doubts from people on what do you recommend
    I have never noticed any difference really between the bloat while on prop as compared to enanthate or cyp. Only reason I ever use prop is to kick start cycles while waiting for the long esters to kick in. Ive done 12 week cycles of prop and its not any better bloat wise for me. Also, if youre doing prop youll want to do every day injections to keep blood levels stable. Doing it EOD I didnt feel right, on the off days I felt a bit tired and run down. Enjoy jabbing yourself every day, make sure to use a different site each time. Youll want to pick from areas such as: quad, glute, pec, bicep, tricep, delt.

  18. #18
    Alright fellas you were right...the pain off of this sucks! I know I have virgin muscles but in January I am going to be playin ball twice a week on a rec league team and this has got to go. Some cyp 200 is on the way, thinkin bout going with 1 1/2 cc every 4 days to be hitting 500mg a week. I know Prop is stronger mg for mg(89mg pure test coming from prop to 67 mg pure test coming from cyp) but I should be fine takin 500mg of cyp I believe. Who recommends enanthate?

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Canada - No source checks
    enanthate is the staple of a first cycle

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    My Guy's poophole
    Quote Originally Posted by BigBody31 View Post
    Alright fellas you were right...the pain off of this sucks! I know I have virgin muscles but in January I am going to be playin ball twice a week on a rec league team and this has got to go. Some cyp 200 is on the way, thinkin bout going with 1 1/2 cc every 4 days to be hitting 500mg a week. I know Prop is stronger mg for mg(89mg pure test coming from prop to 67 mg pure test coming from cyp) but I should be fine takin 500mg of cyp I believe. Who recommends enanthate?
    THEY TOLD you that shit hurts!!!
    Anyway, Test E and C are quite similar for me. Go 500mg/wk.

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by BigBody31 View Post
    Alright fellas you were right...the pain off of this sucks! I know I have virgin muscles but in January I am going to be playin ball twice a week on a rec league team and this has got to go. Some cyp 200 is on the way, thinkin bout going with 1 1/2 cc every 4 days to be hitting 500mg a week. I know Prop is stronger mg for mg(89mg pure test coming from prop to 67 mg pure test coming from cyp) but I should be fine takin 500mg of cyp I believe. Who recommends enanthate?
    LOL, see! Most people though have to find out for themselves. You dont need to inject more than 2x per week with the enathate or cyp. Do 250 mg 2x per week.

  22. #22
    Got some cyp 22's supposed to be better with joints ain't it? Going go to with 2 shots a week of 250mg. Planned on running a 10 week cycle....anybody got suggestions towards that or it sound ok to ya? I'm also thinking about using the HCG for PCT and ending with prop to kickstart my PCT.

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