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Thread: how much Acne?

  1. #1
    Cun0144 is offline Junior Member
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    how much Acne?

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  2. #2
    ChuckLee's Avatar
    ChuckLee is offline Scammer
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    Your age? Stats?
    A test only cycle non-oral shouldn't give you much acne sides, anyway letro or arimidex may help you.

  3. #3
    Cun0144 is offline Junior Member
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  4. #4
    Dizz28's Avatar
    Dizz28 is offline I reject your reality and substitute my own
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    are you even prone to acne in the first place?

    I never really got acne when I was a teen and early 20's so it's nothing for me to worry about adn if you didn't get it much when you were younger, neither should you.

    Make sure to takes showers after you work out and use some sort of slighty abrasive loofa (spelling) or scrubber. That will help keep the dead skin cells, oils and dirt from clogging your pores. If needed shower twice a day or more. Use and acne face wash also

  5. #5
    wingman2468 is offline New Member
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    my first couple of cycles I did not get acne at all. On my third or forth cycle I got acne so bad there was not one patch of clear skin on my back anywhere. I still have scars from it and that was nearly two years ago. At the time I was not taking very good care of my health and I did not aggressively tackle the acne problem like I should have before it spun out of control. I tried all the over the counter stuff, p diddy's pro active, and the advise of scrubbing and other home remedies but it was way to out of control for any of that to work. I researched and began using Acutane. It was a miracle for me. I only wish I had of jumped on the problem before I damaged my skin so bad. I keep acutane around now but rarely have to use it no matter what cycle i'm on.

  6. #6
    Cun0144 is offline Junior Member
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    Last edited by Cun0144; 04-29-2013 at 03:31 PM.

  7. #7
    wingman2468 is offline New Member
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    spelled accutane. You can read about it all over the web, this site included. It is not over the counter and its a pretty heavy duty med with tons of potential sides. Potential childbearing women should not handle it at all.

  8. #8
    sphincter is offline Member
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    accutane is hardcore stuff and is a last resort. for me, I am pretty acne pron anyway and I'm 30 years old I am on minocycline from my Dr. and I have the best skin I;ve had in years and I'm on cycle now... I still have minor blemishes and such but it's nothing any worse than normal.. and actually a little better... bottom line is, it's usually not as bad as you think and it DEFINITELY varies depending on the person.. as do most every side effect of most every drug...

  9. #9
    KZRSOIZE is offline Associate Member
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    every individual is different, i never had acne, until i met baakacne with my last cycle....and i met it bad....who knows what it was,i tried everything ever recommended on this board except accutane, nothing worked... it was so bad on my back and shoulders that i had to stop cold turkey everything gear, protein, glut, all that stuff, after 2 months and antibiotics my back cleared up....wish you luck

  10. #10
    Marinos is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cun0144 View Post
    So im going to be starting my cycle here pretty soon just trying to do some more research and get my diet down. But im thinking of doing 450mg of Test E per week for 12 weeks then clomid for pct and ill have nolvadex on hand just in case of gyno during the cycle. Anyways I wanted to know how much acne can i be expecting or is it different for everyone? and what is a good way to prevent acne while on cycle?
    Prevention is always better then cure. If i were you, I'd look into a skin regimen a few weeks before cycle. For now, something OTC would be a good start. Theres plenty of different products to chose from and combinations available to u, but a simpler choice would be proactive.

    If u want a cheaper alternative to pro-active, just buy regular 2.5 percent Benzoyl Peroxide, and apply it to ur face morning and night after washing ur face with a cleanser. BP kills the bacteria which causes acne.Exfoliating is also good, especially for your body, so do get a loofah.

    I plan on using avodart for my first cycle, because im taking no chances when it comes to acne (or hair loss). But this is pretty overkill imo, and should only be used by people are who are extremley prone to acne while on cycle.

  11. #11
    boxer08's Avatar
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    as they said if your prone to it, i have a mate that takes pretty high doses of stuff and dont get any sides, Lucky fuker.

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