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Thread: on my own (sus)

  1. #1
    High-roller is offline Member
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    on my own (sus)

    Ok will since no one will even touch roid message I am going to try, I have been doing some looking around, and would like to start a cycle of sus,

    250 or 500 a week, for 2 or 3 months.

    I just wanted to know from all of you if you think this is fine.

  2. #2
    SNUKA's Avatar
    SNUKA is offline Member
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    you need to give us a little bit more info then that. age, weight, height, years training. cycle experience, you know about PCT, injection frequency....etc...

  3. #3
    High-roller is offline Member
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    23, 5'9, 175lb as of today, Year hard-core, and about 2 year all togather,Cycle not yet this would be the frist one , and yes I need to read about PCT,

    I was just trying to find out info cause I would love to start something to get that WOW feeling, make a on the face.

    I am a going to be going to Cuba in 4 month and wouldn't mind chilling with my wife around the pool as she is in shape and I am I guess med shape, I would like to get some size. LADYS LOVE IT. (Well I tell the women I doing it for my self and her hahah)

  4. #4
    High-roller is offline Member
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    no help on this one then, Well thanks anyways

  5. #5
    Amorphic's Avatar
    Amorphic is offline Veritas, Aequitas ~
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    you attitude about this is igorant. it sounds like you know absolutely nothing about the compound you are wanting to take. one cycle of sust isnt going to make you 'huge' as you want.

    175 is pretty light for 5'9, i would be willing to bet with a proper diet you could put on at least 15 more pounds natty.

    sust needs to be shot ed for stable blood levels, which due to the frequency, turns a lot of noobs off. this is why test e is recommended for a noob cycle so that you only have to shoot e3.5d.

    keep reading up on pct, diet and educational threads

  6. #6
    SNUKA's Avatar
    SNUKA is offline Member
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    ^^^bada bing .....

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