I have been reading up as much as I can on Bromo / Caber and can't seem to get a full picture of what to expect. I am really in need of some advice!
I started my 600mg Test Cyp, 450mg Tren E, and 450mg EQ cycle. A few people said it might be wise to get Caber, Dostinex (Bromo is the only one I have access to). I am 3 weeks in and no real side effects yet, but my left nipple is a Tiny bit sore (only when I press in that area).. At what point would I know if I need Caber/Bromo?
Do your nipples get sore, or would you wait until there are more serious signs? Or do you wait until you start to lactate or loose sexual drive?It's a shame Ar-r doesn't carry this stuff (they said they looked, but too hard to source and high price)
What should I be watching out for, and at what point should I stop taking gear if need be?