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Thread: Mega Mistake Help

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2007

    Mega Mistake Help

    i just took 200 mgs of clen for the first time

    was ment to be 20 mg

    my heart rate has gone nuts and im shaking

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    did you mean mcgs?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Not grams Millagrams

    so 1 gram is 1000 MG

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    You mean MICROgrams i assume

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    yes sorry mate im shaking lol hard to type

    will i be ok?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Yeah i think you will. Its just gonna take time. Ive heard of people taking high doses then that. but clen at normal doses has lots of sides.

    Just stay calm and dont think about it. It will pass ...

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    yeah man i was just a bit worried.

    i do appreciate ur fast response

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    The Nut House
    200 mcg is on the high side of the normal usage range of clen use so it's not as if you took a lethal just ride it out.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Pilsen, Czech Rep.
    DOSE : 6.5 mg (6500mcg!!!) oral Clenbuterol (powder / crystals)

    Ack what a nightmare.

    1 gram Clenbuterol was obtained, later it was measured and dissolved into water to make the proper amount ratio per ml.

    But looky here:

    Some clenbuterol, what seemed to be very little stayed on the tool which was used to move the clenbuterol from one container to another.

    Hey there (I thought in stuper), why dont I taste the remain and see what happens. (Can you think of something more ingeniues?--looking back, it was one of my most stupid and dangerous decisions of my life)

    Apparently an amount of approximately 5 - 8 miligram of clenbuterol was sublingually ingested, possibly more. (normal dose is at the microgram area), for those who dont know Clenbuterol is active at even 100 mcg.

    with the ~5000-8000 mcg that was ingested, some 50-80 times stronger the active dose, some unwanted effects might occur if you plan to live a healthy life, dont mistake where I have.

    T+30: Strange feeling, as if consciousness had changed, but not similiar to anything I ever felt.

    T+1h: Feeling somewhat better than normal (if only I would know what was ahead of me....) Is this clenbuterol i thought?

    T+2h: Heart rate is higher, but not alarming.

    T+3h: Eyes are open wide, and face is feeling stretched, something is building up, and fast.

    T+4h: Eyeballs seem to receive some greenish color besides the normal white... and quite amount of axienty had built up, dizzyness and nausea, but somewhat consciousness enhancement, certainly not a good time.

    T+5h: feeling quite ill, heart begins to speed up, and for the next 24 hours the heart rate stays at a steady alarming 125-135 beats per minute (WHILE LYING DOWN WITH HEAD ON PILLOW), i could hear my heart with my ear as the vains in my head and the entire body are all swallen up and beating, I can feel the blood pumping intensively, and I feel as I am ready to explode. My girlfriend urges me to get an ambulance, but I disagree, hoping its going to be fine and reassuring her i'm 'okayyyy.'

    My entire body was dancing to the beats of my heart; and it was the worst tune you could ever imagine.

    T+6h: From here on after for the next 18 hours, intense pressure in my head and limbs had built up, eyes got more wide open, and skin more stretched.

    T+12h: It feels as if my heart cant take it anymore as i feel it loosens in some fraile way, and begins to irregularly beat, which is extremely uncomfortable, and quite dangerous.

    T+13h: I get dehydrated rather easily, and my tempeature is 38 degrees celceus.

    T+15h: for the past hour the tempeature has risen +1 degree. I am now considering the ambulance theory (in my head), as I feel I cant take much more of this.

    T+16h: The pressure in the head is unbearable and keeps on increasing, the pain arises as if the skull pressures the brain and there is a psychological feeling as if brain fluid is frying the brain, from the temperature

    T+17h: A cold shower really helped ... ALOT.

    T+19h: Another shower helped.

    T+20h: I'm quite tired and exhusted, but in agonizing head pain fearing taking any sedatives since i dont know what interacts with this and how; i take 750mg Paracetamol.

    T+21h: Feeling a bit better, but still -- headache is anguishing, I am utterly exhusted and afraid to fall asleep, although possibly, i can.

    T+24h: Heart rate down to 120 per minute, and tempeature had decreased by two degrees the past two hours, a nice opportunity to get some sleep

    T+32h: Woke up.... (Thank God, I'm alive!) heart rate is still at a steady 120 beats per minute while lying down #!$#!$#!$!%

    T+42h: heart rate down to a steady 105 beats per minute

    t+70h: 65 beats per minute, lying down.

    For the following week, intense vain, skin, and eye pain was felt, besides the utter exhustion and the sharp pain in the center of the head.

    Thank God, For He saved me from my stupidity That only my faith kept me going, thougout this living nightmare.

    There were many side effects during the experience, of pseudohallucenogenic nature: closed and open eye visual effects, very hard stimulation; food was tasteless and meaningless, and would result in vomiting; nothing could be drank besides water, or heartburn would occur, and it did, from drinking Cola, alone. Increased sweating, and increased resperation, hard amphetamiine-like jitterness which lasted throughout the entire horryfing experience, highly-extremely increased metabolic rate,
    tempeature changes, general change in consciousness, ear popping, and some more things.

    Overall, This was my first experience with this pseudosteroidical
    substance, which i didnt take seriously, and i paid the price, and i'm lucky i'm alive to report it.

    Dont be stupid. If you cant measure something properly, and or not sure of its potency - DO NOT DO IT: as tempting or curiousing as it may be, you might not be as lucky as I was.

    What a nightmare
    Thank God its over.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Canada - No source checks
    amazing experience XNathan. glad you made it through

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    go outside and run as fast as you can.......that ought to help. Na just playing, just try not to think about it. it will pass

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Aug 2007

    after 2 hours of taking the clen

    my heart rate was so hard and fast it was shaking my bed and im not shittin u
    MY VOICE... i talked to my brother and i couldnt talk properly, my voice was higher pitch

    i lay down
    i kept moving on my bed, trying to get comfort

    i then vommited and i sure did feel better after that.

    my heart rate is still going nuts if i put my phone on my stomic area the phone moves up and down.

    i feel very weak

    the best feeling was to cool down so i put my fan on me and that certainly did help thank god it was not a hot day here in australia.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    mega druged


  14. #14
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    Brisbane Australia
    Wow, sounds like no fun at all man!!

    Easy for me to say but i reckon to just stay calm and try to occupy yourself with something else (just nothing thats gonna get ya heartbeat up higher).
    I used to suffer with PD or Panic Disorder which is a real bad form of anxiety and it took me a long time to learn how to control it cos the more you think about it the worse the symptoms get (rapid heart beat, sweaty hands, palpitations and temporary loss of vision) so if it gets too bad just go to Hospital, or if you think you can control it this used to work for me: (providing i was at home)

    Lock yourself away in a dark, quiet room and lay belly down with ya face on the pillow and you only want to concentrate on one thing and thats your breathing. In through the nose and out through the mouth (this increases oxygen supply to the brain) and i swear you'll be surprised how you can calm yourself!!!
    i know it's different circumstances but with your worrying about this it wouldn't be helping and i don't blame ya cos i'd be shittin myself too...

    Anyway keep us posted and i hope it passes soon for ya bro_

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    still alive?

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    Brisbane Australia
    Quote Originally Posted by Brent_G View Post
    still alive?
    its midnight right here in Brisbane now so hopefully old mates sound asleep!!!

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    how soon did you find out you took the wrong dose? I woulda made myself throw up right away.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by XNathan View Post
    DOSE : 6.5 mg (6500mcg!!!) oral Clenbuterol (powder / crystals)

    Ack what a nightmare.

    1 gram Clenbuterol was obtained, later it was measured and dissolved into water to make the proper amount ratio per ml.

    But looky here:

    Some clenbuterol, what seemed to be very little stayed on the tool which was used to move the clenbuterol from one container to another.

    Hey there (I thought in stuper), why dont I taste the remain and see what happens. (Can you think of something more ingeniues?--looking back, it was one of my most stupid and dangerous decisions of my life)

    Apparently an amount of approximately 5 - 8 miligram of clenbuterol was sublingually ingested, possibly more. (normal dose is at the microgram area), for those who dont know Clenbuterol is active at even 100 mcg.

    with the ~5000-8000 mcg that was ingested, some 50-80 times stronger the active dose, some unwanted effects might occur if you plan to live a healthy life, dont mistake where I have.

    T+30: Strange feeling, as if consciousness had changed, but not similiar to anything I ever felt.

    T+1h: Feeling somewhat better than normal (if only I would know what was ahead of me....) Is this clenbuterol i thought?

    T+2h: Heart rate is higher, but not alarming.

    T+3h: Eyes are open wide, and face is feeling stretched, something is building up, and fast.

    T+4h: Eyeballs seem to receive some greenish color besides the normal white... and quite amount of axienty had built up, dizzyness and nausea, but somewhat consciousness enhancement, certainly not a good time.

    T+5h: feeling quite ill, heart begins to speed up, and for the next 24 hours the heart rate stays at a steady alarming 125-135 beats per minute (WHILE LYING DOWN WITH HEAD ON PILLOW), i could hear my heart with my ear as the vains in my head and the entire body are all swallen up and beating, I can feel the blood pumping intensively, and I feel as I am ready to explode. My girlfriend urges me to get an ambulance, but I disagree, hoping its going to be fine and reassuring her i'm 'okayyyy.'

    My entire body was dancing to the beats of my heart; and it was the worst tune you could ever imagine.

    T+6h: From here on after for the next 18 hours, intense pressure in my head and limbs had built up, eyes got more wide open, and skin more stretched.

    T+12h: It feels as if my heart cant take it anymore as i feel it loosens in some fraile way, and begins to irregularly beat, which is extremely uncomfortable, and quite dangerous.

    T+13h: I get dehydrated rather easily, and my tempeature is 38 degrees celceus.

    T+15h: for the past hour the tempeature has risen +1 degree. I am now considering the ambulance theory (in my head), as I feel I cant take much more of this.

    T+16h: The pressure in the head is unbearable and keeps on increasing, the pain arises as if the skull pressures the brain and there is a psychological feeling as if brain fluid is frying the brain, from the temperature

    T+17h: A cold shower really helped ... ALOT.

    T+19h: Another shower helped.

    T+20h: I'm quite tired and exhusted, but in agonizing head pain fearing taking any sedatives since i dont know what interacts with this and how; i take 750mg Paracetamol.

    T+21h: Feeling a bit better, but still -- headache is anguishing, I am utterly exhusted and afraid to fall asleep, although possibly, i can.

    T+24h: Heart rate down to 120 per minute, and tempeature had decreased by two degrees the past two hours, a nice opportunity to get some sleep

    T+32h: Woke up.... (Thank God, I'm alive!) heart rate is still at a steady 120 beats per minute while lying down #!$#!$#!$!%

    T+42h: heart rate down to a steady 105 beats per minute

    t+70h: 65 beats per minute, lying down.

    For the following week, intense vain, skin, and eye pain was felt, besides the utter exhustion and the sharp pain in the center of the head.

    Thank God, For He saved me from my stupidity That only my faith kept me going, thougout this living nightmare.

    There were many side effects during the experience, of pseudohallucenogenic nature: closed and open eye visual effects, very hard stimulation; food was tasteless and meaningless, and would result in vomiting; nothing could be drank besides water, or heartburn would occur, and it did, from drinking Cola, alone. Increased sweating, and increased resperation, hard amphetamiine-like jitterness which lasted throughout the entire horryfing experience, highly-extremely increased metabolic rate,
    tempeature changes, general change in consciousness, ear popping, and some more things.

    Overall, This was my first experience with this pseudosteroidical
    substance, which i didnt take seriously, and i paid the price, and i'm lucky i'm alive to report it.

    Dont be stupid. If you cant measure something properly, and or not sure of its potency - DO NOT DO IT: as tempting or curiousing as it may be, you might not be as lucky as I was.

    What a nightmare
    Thank God its over.
    Thats crazy bro. you got some balls not going to the ER, but i noticed you said your girlfriend was there, so i probably would have done the same as long as i wasnt home by myself. That would really be insane!

  19. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by ausmanalot View Post
    i just took 200 mgs of clen for the first time

    was ment to be 20 mg

    my heart rate has gone nuts and im shaking
    i hope you mean micrograms and even if you did 200 is rather high. youll have to ride it out until it wears off.

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    youl be alright in the morning!

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Center of the Universe
    Dont worry I normally work myself up to 280mcg. The shacking is because your body got shocked all at once with a high dose. it will taper down over the next couple days.

  22. #22
    Probably would have been a good time to have Valium or something on hand to slow you down..

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    usa/east coast
    my regular dose is 150mcg.200mcg for a 1st dose would suck but you will live

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    yeah im still alive....

    still got a head ach and heart beat is still going pretty stong...
    eye sockets are sore as well

    what a dumb ass i am lol

    200 MG insted of 20 MG

    thanks everyone

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Canada - No source checks
    Quote Originally Posted by ausmanalot
    yeah im still alive....

    still got a head ach and heart beat is still going pretty stong...
    eye sockets are sore as well

    what a dumb ass i am lol

    200 MG insted of 20 MG

    thanks everyone
    you keep posting in mgs. clen is taken in mcgs. 200mcgs. if you took 200 or 20mg you would be fvcked

  26. #26
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    i am from australia

    it is Micrograms

  27. #27
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Canada - No source checks
    Quote Originally Posted by ausmanalot
    i am from australia

    it is Micrograms

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