I have 2 cycles under my belt. Both successful. Always room from improvement. Never tried Tren before, what better time to start then now.
5'7 155lbs
30yrs 8% body fat
trainig hardcore for about 4 yrs
I've never tried Tren before so this will be my first time. Well aware of sides and risks. Cycle will look something like this; unsure on how much test to take and frequency of dosages.
1-4: dbol 50mg ED
1-12: tren A 75mg ED
1-12: test cyp or enan: (need suggestions for dosages and days here)
1-PCT: .5mg armidex ED
PCT: Clomid + Nolvadex therapy
Since I'm already really really low in bf% obviously I'm looking for a lean mass bulk cycle. I plan on drinking LOTS of water durring this cycle and a clean high calorie diet. Open for any opinions suggestion that will improve my next cycle.
Also: since I want this to be a major bulk cycle could I add deca or EQ to this.
Thanks guys.
axe M-