I'm getting back on the iron bug. It's been a while but I miss it! I'm 38 and worked out since 17 so I am not new to the scene. I haven't posted in a while but reading lately is really getting me psyched again.
I ran a few cycles of prohormones when they first came out and then added primo for a great workout and pump. Now I want to make some real gains.
I am 5'11''
175 lbs
low body fat
2800 calories a day, lean meats and vegetables, protein shakes, multivitamin, creatine, ZMA and B-12

Mon flat bench, incline dumbells, cable crossover, dumbell curls, preacher curls

Tue- Squat, leg press, leg extension, leg curls

wed- off

Thur- Military press, upright row, lateral raises, shrugs

Fri- Pullups, bent over barbell rows, lat pulldowns, tricep extensions, skull crushers

sat - sun off

While my gear is on the way I am upping the food intake and increasing cardio.

What I am curious about is the PCT. There is so much info and a lot of it conflicting. here is what I plan to run and the PCT that I used before. Tell me if I should change anything or run it differently.

Week 1 - 10 250 mgs Test E
Week 1 - 10 250 mgs Deca
Week 13 40 mgs nolva = 100 mg clomid daily
Week 14 30 mgs nolva = 50 mg clomid daily
Week 15 20 mgs nolva = 50 mg clomid daily

I am curious about the other pct's. Arimidex , bromo, exemestane, letro...
Do I need anything else?
Would one of these be better than clomid? Clomid makes me to moody....

Any advice would be greatly appreciated...