I am attempting (desperatley) to bring up my lagging right pec. I was thinking of injecting 3ccs of prop into it every other week. It is mostly the upper inner that needs it. Have any of you shot 3cc's into your peck at once?
I am attempting (desperatley) to bring up my lagging right pec. I was thinking of injecting 3ccs of prop into it every other week. It is mostly the upper inner that needs it. Have any of you shot 3cc's into your peck at once?
have you thought about using synthol to even it out?
yeah but after chatting with ****** I realize I would need several bottles, I dont have the money right now to do that. Plus I want to put peaks on my biceps while im at it when I get some synth, so I would need allot of it to do both
Have you thought of brewing your own? Its not that difficult.
I was reading some one it, and am currently looking into it more. I know things suck right now, but I want to get into home brewing since I only work 3 days a week.
3cc's of prop into your pec???? OUCH!!! Good luck with that. From my understanding aswell as personal experience site injecting with test does not benifit the muscle being injected anymore so than the rest of your body. Although you may form an oil abscess or cause swelling which will make the muscle appeer larger. IMO not gonna work
lol i have no chest wat so ever ( well i think it could be bigger lol ) ... iam currently bout to start sus250 ... 500 mg the first 2 weeeks and 250 mg for 5 weeks ... also stacking it with 50 mg of d-bol for 25 days ... so basscailly my question is near the middel of my cycle would it be a good idea to inject sus250 into my pecs
for the millionth time site injection doesnt exist
really ?? are u saying this form experince ???... so i guesse injecting into becips or such isnt a good idea ??
1. start a new thread.Originally Posted by BIG TRAPS
2. 7 weeks of sust?
3. site injections dont promote growth
Im going on Sustanon 250.. what would be a good PCT for that?
I think what he is talking about is that 3ml would stretch the fascia, giving the muscle more room to grow. If that works? That's debatable to say the least.
lol ok iam going to look the biggest goof saying this !!! but iam new how do u start a new thread :$ lol
In the main forum the is a button which says "new thread". Search on the left side of the screen.
top of the page, there is a button to start a new thread
do so who here has an accual sucess story of a sight injection lol
hijacking the thread again. tsk tskOriginally Posted by BIG TRAPS
U guys are talkin about sight injections and u were saying that u dont beleive in them and another guy says he does has any one accauly done 1 ddont proved if it works or not that all i said
i have site injection success even video, i put my penis in the wifes mouth and it grows, lol thats funny
LOL it ok big traps you will learn to find your way around soon enough. Look for the thread rules and start by reading them. It will save you allot of embarresment.
thats not going to help ur laging pec... and ur crazy bro... i leave three CCs for glutes, quads, and delts... two CCs for each bi, tri, trap, lat... and 1 for each pec....
I am no expert but I have read and heard that chest injections can be dangerous, lots of blood vessels, nerves, and close to heart and lungs. Doesn't seem worth it considering a site injections may have little to no improvement. If one pec is bigger than the other working the lagging pec harder may be the only solution and if you have the prop use it normally and just eat ton. I am sure you have already thought of this but thought I should throw in my two cents. Have you thought about IGF-1?
3cc's is a lot to go into pecs at once.
I shoot 1.75 and I was iffy on that..
I've injected sust250 in my pecs, just 1ml total.
The pump was great for the 2-3 days after, but it didn't worth the pain.
Same pumps with synthol but nothing durable...
havent evr found site injection to stimulate any kind of extra growth with sus250,usually inject my delts. change yr chest routine,i had same prob and it was down to benchin wit delts and tri`s mainly,somethin 2 think about naway.
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