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I extracted 5 ml of cyp froma sachet several weeks ago into a syringe, I kept it in the syringe. I had 2 other 5ml sachets that i didnt extract from. The cyp in the syringe was darker even when i extracted it. The other 2 sachets were lighter colored. Expearation dates the same. The third sachet was the lightest, looked like test prop. Anyway after filtering i noticed the darker cyp that had been in the the syringe longer had a sludgy residue. Does this mean air got to it? Or is this bacteria? Its the same color as the rest of the cyp in the syring just more "jelly" like. after filteriing all three sachets in a .2 whatman the cyp was all fluid and uniform in color. I added 5% BA to it. After a week or 2 will it be ok to shoot?