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Thread: proviron,furazabol,modanfinil, and injectable ATP any comments?

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Sparta!Athlete town USA

    proviron,furazabol,modanfinil, and injectable ATP any comments?

    Im sprinter and found this regimen in the athletes forum.Anybody had any expience with any of this stuff?In need to gain strength/power with no weight gain and little sides.Im currently running cjc-1295,just finished 4 weeks IGf and will be adding insulin post workout.Cannot use anything with long detection time.
    Any comments/suggestions would be great

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Boise, ID
    DECA ! just kidding

    well, they say ATP injections are useless because the half life is too short and they cant penetrate the membrane, but people also forget that ATP acts as a neurotransmitter outside the cell..

    Proviron is a nice DHT that can harden you up and give you some aggression and well being.

    Furazabol is supposed to be an improved winny without all the HDL problems, but personally ive never seen it available anywhere.

    But, you knew all that, so as your can see, it makes a nice stack for a sprinter, i would add test at 150-200mg per week too. test does wonderful things to a sprinters body.

    Modafinil is a "wakefulness promoting agent" and is quite expensive. but if you can afford IGF you can get that too.

  3. #3
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    Sparta!Athlete town USA
    deca, I wish, back when I didnt have to worry about drug test that stuff was a godssent.Speed, power, endurance it is to me the best perfomance enhancer Ive ever used!Till you stop and have to take a drug test and you've got no HTPA to speak of.oh well......

    Tell me more about the ATP, brand names, adminstration totally new concept for me

    Furazabol I can have it in a week if needed.I have to ask permission to share the source, but if you want to search you can find it online.

    Test prop/Proviron sounds good like a good combo to keep the sides down

    Modafinil, Im not big stimulant fan for performance.Did some clen as part of a pct last year.I swear it set me back more then helped.I will stick with coffee,redbull, and maybe some more IGF.
    Last edited by IntenseAthlete; 11-23-2007 at 10:43 PM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2006
    College Station
    what were you expecting from the Modafinil? im currently taking 200mg ed. i didnt know it had other effects besides enhanced concentration.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Jonnycerious View Post
    deca, I wish, back when I didnt have to worry about drug test that stuff was a godssent.Speed, power, endurance it is to me the best perfomance enhancer Ive ever used!Till you stop and have to take a drug test and you've got no HTPA to speak of.oh well......

    Tell me more about the ATP, brand names, adminstration totally new concept for me

    Furazabol I can have it in a week if needed.I have to ask permission to share the source, but if you want to search you can find it online.

    Test prop/Proviron sounds good like a good combo to keep the sides down

    Modafinil, Im not big stimulant fan for performance.Did some clen as part of a pct last year.I swear it set me back more then helped.I will stick with coffee,redbull, and maybe some more IGF.
    dude u wont find the inj creatine...its very hard to come by.. i had used it before and its expensive as hell... it will give u great strength gains..the one that i was using was i think called neoton, and it was from italy..

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by peteroy01 View Post
    what were you expecting from the Modafinil? im currently taking 200mg ed. i didnt know it had other effects besides enhanced concentration.
    what other benifits could one expect?

  7. #7
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    what would a sprinter need enhanced concentration for?

  8. #8
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    "Zone" type of feeling i guess.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by peteroy01 View Post
    what would a sprinter need enhanced concentration for?
    taking large sh*ts! Then a sprinter is lighter and his bowels are empty and he can focus on sprinting,nothing more.But seriously ehanced concetration could help anyone.What could one expect to pay for a daily regimen of

  10. #10
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    i tells dem dare Docs dat I's got a bad lernin problem and dey giv me dem far free! u belive dat sh1t.

  11. #11
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    I'm lau***ng so hard I just pooped a little!!!!

  12. #12
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    Is lau***ng a swear word?

  13. #13
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    where the hel1 have you been? everybody knows not to type Laff on this board.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by JasonR View Post
    DECA ! just kidding

    well, they say ATP injections are useless because the half life is too short and they cant penetrate the membrane, but people also forget that ATP acts as a neurotransmitter outside the cell..

    Proviron is a nice DHT that can harden you up and give you some aggression and well being.

    Furazabol is supposed to be an improved winny without all the HDL problems, but personally ive never seen it available anywhere.

    But, you knew all that, so as your can see, it makes a nice stack for a sprinter, i would add test at 150-200mg per week too. test does wonderful things to a sprinters body.

    Modafinil is a "wakefulness promoting agent" and is quite expensive. but if you can afford IGF you can get that too.
    Maybe my modafinil was bunk, but it did not do shit for me.

  15. #15
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    Moda does not give you a noticable buzz or feeling like other stims. At the right dose it simply allows you to stay awake for long periods of time. In testing it allowed pilots to fly warplane sims for many hours without feeling drowsy. It also differs from other stims in that once you have a normal sleep you wake up feeling fine again where as other stims "borrow" energy which needs to be payed back causing a crash which can make you groggy and tired even after a normal nights sleep. Very useful for shift work, warfare and cramming for exams. Not so useful for sport unless you drive a car at the Le Mans 24hr.

  16. #16
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    Thanks Guys

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by JasonR View Post
    DECA ! just kidding

    well, they say ATP injections are useless because the half life is too short and they cant penetrate the membrane, but people also forget that ATP acts as a neurotransmitter outside the cell..

    Proviron is a nice DHT that can harden you up and give you some aggression and well being.

    Furazabol is supposed to be an improved winny without all the HDL problems, but personally ive never seen it available anywhere.

    But, you knew all that, so as your can see, it makes a nice stack for a sprinter, i would add test at 150-200mg per week too. test does wonderful things to a sprinters body.

    Modafinil is a "wakefulness promoting agent" and is quite expensive. but if you can afford IGF you can get that too.
    The injectable ATP would be legal for use during season since the compund itself is legal to have in your blood?Correct?

  18. #18
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    Jan 2006
    Furazabol is around and you can find it in 10mg pills instead of when it first came out they were 1mg. So instead of poppin 100 pills you only need to take 10 a day if you even need that much.

    Half life is pretty short so you will need to take it every 4 hours.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by hulk1o1 View Post
    dude u wont find the inj creatine...its very hard to come by.. i had used it before and its expensive as hell... it will give u great strength gains..the one that i was using was i think called neoton, and it was from italy..
    in my country i have neoton also!!have you use it?it is good?how have you use it and what were the results?

  20. #20
    Join Date
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    Furazabol is what Ben Johnson got caught with back in 88' but it does not appear to be an issue for you.

    Ever try Clenbuterol? the stuff is magic for me and for a friend of mine who was a 200 and 400 m sprinter.

    My strength goes through the roof when on it. It gets the majority of your muscle fibers firing without having to recruit them through heavier and heavier weights. Instant strength and the cardiovascular capacity increases dramatically. Linford Christie got caught using Clenbuterol AND Nandrolone.

    So there you have it: Furazabol (Winstrol), Nandrolone (Deca) and Clenbuterol... you are all set!

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