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Thread: 3rd Cycle...REVIEW PLEASE?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2005

    3rd Cycle...REVIEW PLEASE?

    Hey all!! This is The roomate of the guy with this username. Looking to plan a third cycle sometime after christmas. My stats,

    24 y/o
    Lifting for about 5-6 years.

    1st cycle = Test E 500mg/wk (1-10) & D-Bol 30mg/day. (1-4) Had some good gains. Lost half of it due to improper PCT.

    2nd = Sust 500mg/wk (1-14) & Deca 400mg/wk. (1-12) Great improvments. Gained about 24 lbs. Kept 15 of it. Strength increase was massive. Had some problems with prolactin and was unable to obtain Caber so I cut the Deca down to 200 mgs/wk at wk 9 till wk 12. PCT was good. everything is back in working order now. By the time I plan on starting the new cycle I will have been off for at least 4 months.

    This is what I propose for the cycle....

    Test PROP 500mg/wk 1-12wks.
    May bump up to 750mg/wk but dont think I should yet.

    Tren ACE 350mg/wk 1-10wks.

    Caber onhand.

    Now my questions are should I use Letro or Nolva for AI during cycle? Ive been seeing mixed reveiws concerning them on a Tren Cycle.

    Also Im looking to use HCG at the end of cycle into PCT. Due to getting shut down pretty hard on last cycle I want to be on top of things this time.
    So how should I dose and when should I use the HCG?????

    PCT will also include Clomid and Letro or Nolva depending on Feedback.

    If I missed anything... let me know!!
    Thanks guys!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2005

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by dukkitdalaw View Post
    Hey all!! This is The roomate of the guy with this username. Looking to plan a third cycle sometime after christmas. My stats,

    24 y/o
    Lifting for about 5-6 years.

    1st cycle = Test E 500mg/wk (1-10) & D-Bol 30mg/day. (1-4) Had some good gains. Lost half of it due to improper PCT.

    2nd = Sust 500mg/wk (1-14) & Deca 400mg/wk. (1-12) Great improvments. Gained about 24 lbs. Kept 15 of it. Strength increase was massive. Had some problems with prolactin and was unable to obtain Caber so I cut the Deca down to 200 mgs/wk at wk 9 till wk 12. PCT was good. everything is back in working order now. By the time I plan on starting the new cycle I will have been off for at least 4 months.

    This is what I propose for the cycle....

    Test PROP 500mg/wk 1-12wks.
    May bump up to 750mg/wk but dont think I should yet.

    Tren ACE 350mg/wk 1-10wks.

    Caber onhand.

    Now my questions are should I use Letro or Nolva for AI during cycle? Ive been seeing mixed reveiws concerning them on a Tren Cycle.

    Also Im looking to use HCG at the end of cycle into PCT. Due to getting shut down pretty hard on last cycle I want to be on top of things this time.
    So how should I dose and when should I use the HCG?????

    PCT will also include Clomid and Letro or Nolva depending on Feedback.

    If I missed anything... let me know!!
    Thanks guys!!
    no NOLVA with tren while on cycle.. afterwards for PCT is fine though. As for HCG, I haven't used it yet but I thhink dosing is something like 500iu (one shot) first week and then 100 EOD after that... but the HCG info is very possibly wrong... just trying to remember what I read on here elsewhere. the cycle will give great gains thou, no doubt about it.

    I would keep the ai/caber on deck and only use them if/when your gyno/prolactin sides start to appear.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    The South West
    I would not use letro during cycle as an a.i. it is much to strong. Get some arim, or arom for during cycle. Remember if you are duing an all out bulk I would only use an a.i. if sides are flairing. Also you need to re evaluate how your coming of your cycles, you are losing to much size/weight in my opinion

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Canada - No source checks
    Quote Originally Posted by buffgator
    I would not use letro during cycle as an a.i. it is much to strong. Get some arim, or arom for during cycle. Remember if you are duing an all out bulk I would only use an a.i. if sides are flairing. Also you need to re evaluate how your coming of your cycles, you are losing to much size/weight in my opinion
    you could always have letro on hand in case you are really sensitive, arimidex or aromasin should be okay but i would get letro to be safe.

    make sure pct is up to speed

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    The South West
    Quote Originally Posted by Amorphic View Post
    you could always have letro on hand in case you are really sensitive, arimidex or aromasin should be okay but i would get letro to be safe.

    make sure pct is up to speed
    Yeah I hope I was not missleading. Have letro on hand always.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    alright thanks guys. yea my PCT the last few times was not up to par. i know it wasnt so im making sure to get it together this time. im not planning on starting this cycle for a few months so ill have time to make sure all is well.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Any other info on the HCG?? i have read the PCT thread but then i have also read another post by Anthony Roberts that he states different dosages for the PCT. So im not sure as to what is correct?

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