Hey all!! This is The roomate of the guy with this username. Looking to plan a third cycle sometime after christmas. My stats,
24 y/o
Lifting for about 5-6 years.
1st cycle = Test E 500mg/wk (1-10) & D-Bol 30mg/day. (1-4) Had some good gains. Lost half of it due to improper PCT.
2nd = Sust 500mg/wk (1-14) & Deca 400mg/wk. (1-12) Great improvments. Gained about 24 lbs. Kept 15 of it. Strength increase was massive. Had some problems with prolactin and was unable to obtain Caber so I cut the Deca down to 200 mgs/wk at wk 9 till wk 12. PCT was good. everything is back in working order now. By the time I plan on starting the new cycle I will have been off for at least 4 months.
This is what I propose for the cycle....
Test PROP 500mg/wk 1-12wks.
May bump up to 750mg/wk but dont think I should yet.
Tren ACE 350mg/wk 1-10wks.
Caber onhand.
Now my questions are should I use Letro or Nolva for AI during cycle? Ive been seeing mixed reveiws concerning them on a Tren Cycle.
Also Im looking to use HCG at the end of cycle into PCT. Due to getting shut down pretty hard on last cycle I want to be on top of things this time.
So how should I dose and when should I use the HCG?????
PCT will also include Clomid and Letro or Nolva depending on Feedback.
If I missed anything... let me know!!
Thanks guys!!