I posted these pics to try to find out if my gear is legit. Someone responded by saying that I can only know by actually trying it out.
I'd really like to figure out, asap, if this stuff is real or fake. This cycle will be Test E, only. I just did my first 500ml 1 week ago; Monday will be poke #2.
My Question: Which would be the very FIRST sign/indicator (increased libido, acne, strength, etc.) that will confirm that my stuff is good? At what point in time will I see it? I'd just like to know right away if what I got is good so I don't keep on w/ this gear if its no good.
FYI: My first cycle was Mex gear in '04 and I know it was good stuff because I noticed all the usual signs, including a crazy sex drive. I guess that, this time around, I was looking to confirm that my gear is good by paying attention to my sex drive. How far into the cycle do you notice your libido kicking into overdrive?
Thanks guys, I appreciate your input.