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Thread: 3 Week On My Sustanol 250 And It Aint Saying Mutch

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2007

    Thumbs down 3 Week On My Sustanol 250 And It Aint Saying Mutch

    Hi, been on sustanol 250(INJEKTING 2 A WEEK) for 3,5 weeks and in the begining did some dianabol for 10 days(20mg) AND that suff really works but felt some stress on the liver area so decide to do only that 10 days to avoid any damage. but now been relaying only on the susta and must say that phyh! doesnt say mutch!!!
    yeh i have the real thing pakistani made (straight from pharmasy)
    and yes i have read columns about sustanol and heard the rumors that i should do it ewery second day for 3 weeks ...but hey this is my first cykle and that sounds f****ng mad!
    so my question is :is it going to start work good after couple of days like this 2 times a week 250ml per time or what should i do ...i do have alsso primabolan injektable what i coud start shooting 200ml a week as an supporting aid...all u who made it work as it should let me know how?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    South JerseyJ
    You should be doing it EOD .
    How much you donig?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by XORRON View Post
    Hi, been on sustanol 250(INJEKTING 2 A WEEK) for 3,5 weeks and in the begining did some dianabol for 10 days(20mg) AND that suff really works but felt some stress on the liver area so decide to do only that 10 days to avoid any damage. but now been relaying only on the susta and must say that phyh! doesnt say mutch!!!
    yeh i have the real thing pakistani made (straight from pharmasy)
    and yes i have read columns about sustanol and heard the rumors that i should do it ewery second day for 3 weeks ...but hey this is my first cykle and that sounds f****ng mad!
    so my question is :is it going to start work good after couple of days like this 2 times a week 250ml per time or what should i do ...i do have alsso primabolan injektable what i coud start shooting 200ml a week as an supporting aid...all u who made it work as it should let me know how?
    3.5 wks 500mg per wk, it should be working by now. you should inject eod though, if you want to stay at the 500mg dosage then inject 125mg eod

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by XORRON View Post
    dianabol for 10 days(20mg) AND that suff really works but felt some stress on the liver area so decide to do only that 10 days to avoid any damage
    Can you explain this a little?
    How exactly does one "feel" stress on the liver from doing 20mg of dbol for 10 days? This is seriously making me just shake my head.

  5. #5
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    Nov 2007

    How To Sawe The Remaining Juice

    The Title Said It All ,so If The Best Way To Make Susta Work Is To Shoot Eod So 1. I Can Not Take The 250ml In The Syringe And Only Shoot 125 And Sawe The Rest For Later Because When U Do The Draw Thing U Are Entering The Syringe Something From Your Body And If U Sawe That It Propably Will Be Some Bacterias There Pretty Soon...correckt?
    So 2. If Sawe The Remaining Juice 125 In The Ampul Will It Stay Steril Buy Putting Some Plastic On It Or Not...and How To Get That Steril Plastic???

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by XORRON View Post
    Hi, been on sustanol 250(INJEKTING 2 A WEEK) for 3,5 weeks and in the begining did some dianabol for 10 days(20mg) AND that suff really works but felt some stress on the liver area so decide to do only that 10 days to avoid any damage. but now been relaying only on the susta and must say that phyh! doesnt say mutch!!!
    yeh i have the real thing pakistani made (straight from pharmasy)
    and yes i have read columns about sustanol and heard the rumors that i should do it ewery second day for 3 weeks ...but hey this is my first cykle and that sounds f****ng mad!
    so my question is :is it going to start work good after couple of days like this 2 times a week 250ml per time or what should i do ...i do have alsso primabolan injektable what i coud start shooting 200ml a week as an supporting aid...all u who made it work as it should let me know how?
    Im confused by your logic. Why would you research a powerful drug that you are going to administer into your body and then not do what you should because you think its, "****ing mad!" Your logic sounds like that to me. Also, many of the esters in sust wont kick-in until week 4-6 so you havent given it a chance. Sust is an extremely poor choice for a first cycle and hoping on and off other anabolic agents isnt exactly a good thing to do either. Im not flaming you, but Im not suprised by your results. Anyway, good luck.

    Whats your PCT? Whats your diet? Whats your stats? Are you working out?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2007

    Cool Discomfort On The Organs Feeling

    Replay On The Liver Stress Question ...
    Whell I Coud Describe It As An Bubling And Preasure Feeling On The Area Where The Liver Lays...mainly An Discomfortable Sensation
    I Used To Party With Other Type Of Gear In My Past(for 10 Years Of Clubbers Menu Ewery Weekend) I'll Quess My System Is A Bit Sensitive ....

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by XORRON View Post
    The Title Said It All ,so If The Best Way To Make Susta Work Is To Shoot Eod So 1. I Can Not Take The 250ml In The Syringe And Only Shoot 125 And Sawe The Rest For Later Because When U Do The Draw Thing U Are Entering The Syringe Something From Your Body And If U Sawe That It Propably Will Be Some Bacterias There Pretty Soon...correckt?
    So 2. If Sawe The Remaining Juice 125 In The Ampul Will It Stay Steril Buy Putting Some Plastic On It Or Not...and How To Get That Steril Plastic???
    No, don't leave the remainder in the amp until next time. What most people do is get a sealed sterile vial, draw down all amps and inject it into the vial, then use from the vial as they wish.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ima******ger View Post
    No, don't leave the remainder in the amp until next time. What most people do is get a sealed sterile vial, draw down all amps and inject it into the vial, then use from the vial as they wish.
    We have these at the store here I believe.

  10. #10
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    Cool Quote To Johny

    Quote Originally Posted by Johny-too-small View Post
    Im confused by your logic. Why would you research a powerful drug that you are going to administer into your body and then not do what you should because you think its, "****ing mad!" Your logic sounds like that to me. Also, many of the esters in sust wont kick-in until week 4-6 so you havent given it a chance. Sust is an extremely poor choice for a first cycle and hoping on and off other anabolic agents isnt exactly a good thing to do either. Im not flaming you, but Im not suprised by your results. Anyway, good luck.

    Whats your PCT? Whats your diet? Whats your stats? Are you working out?
    Hi ,been workin out for 20 years without no gear mate!
    i am around 220lbs...i am not hopping of from gear to gear baby i am simply asking shoul i stak it for better respond with primo(couse i happen to have some) and the mad part was that i understood some body to suggest that it mainly works buy doing 250ml eod that makes it 1000ml a week and for an newby its too mutch ..but now i got the right data that it can be like 125ml eod and that sounds ok its just a lots of shooting...
    things went as they went and i should have taken the ent or syp instead
    now i know but as long as i get the best out of this i am happy..

  11. #11
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    Sep 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Ima******ger View Post
    No, don't leave the remainder in the amp until next time. What most people do is get a sealed sterile vial, draw down all amps and inject it into the vial, then use from the vial as they wish.
    you beet me to it, thanx

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    the true north
    when i took sust by itself (1 amp twice a week) it took 4-5 weeks to kick in for me.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Johny-too-small View Post
    Im confused by your logic. Why would you research a powerful drug that you are going to administer into your body and then not do what you should because you think its, "****ing mad!" Your logic sounds like that to me. Also, many of the esters in sust wont kick-in until week 4-6 so you havent given it a chance. Sust is an extremely poor choice for a first cycle and hoping on and off other anabolic agents isnt exactly a good thing to do either. Im not flaming you, but Im not suprised by your results. Anyway, good luck.

    Whats your PCT? Whats your diet? Whats your stats? Are you working out?
    Just out of curiosity, why is Sust an extremely poor choice for a first cycle?? I used it, 3 of my buddies used it as their first cycle also and all we have is glowing reports. I've heard others say this and I'm curious why.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Maybe your diet blows

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    You Will Be Fine With 500mg Per Week. Spread It Out Evenly.
    Like Sunday And Wednesday. Give It Time. Patience Is Power. Dont Forget Those Anti Estrogens And Pct. Do Your Homework. Use , Not Abuse. Good Luck

  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by XORRON View Post
    Hi, been on sustanol 250(INJEKTING 2 A WEEK) for 3,5 weeks and in the begining did some dianabol for 10 days(20mg) AND that suff really works but felt some stress on the liver area so decide to do only that 10 days to avoid any damage. but now been relaying only on the susta and must say that phyh! doesnt say mutch!!!
    yeh i have the real thing pakistani made (straight from pharmasy)
    and yes i have read columns about sustanol and heard the rumors that i should do it ewery second day for 3 weeks ...but hey this is my first cykle and that sounds f****ng mad!
    so my question is :is it going to start work good after couple of days like this 2 times a week 250ml per time or what should i do ...i do have alsso primabolan injektable what i coud start shooting 200ml a week as an supporting aid...all u who made it work as it should let me know how?
    20mgs d-bol/day is really nothing.

    the norm is 50mgs/day 4/6 weeks. anything over 50mgs is a waste.

    try taking some liver aid and or milk thisle .

    Peace Out.

  17. #17
    Join Date
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    Sam's Club
    Quote Originally Posted by ShadetreeJones View Post
    Just out of curiosity, why is Sust an extremely poor choice for a first cycle?? I used it, 3 of my buddies used it as their first cycle also and all we have is glowing reports. I've heard others say this and I'm curious why.
    Well sust has been known to cause heavier sides and if youre prone to test flu, it can be pretty harsh. In addition, sust needs to be injected EOD which is a lot of jabs for a newbie. The multi-esters confuses many on pct timing and I think that its much better to run a single long ester test like enan or cyp as it easier to predict. Not a huge deal, just less for the newb to deal with. I would also make the argument that a single ester test has more test mg for mg. Just my opinion.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Nov 2007

    Smile Thanks To Replayers

    Thanks to all people who took part in guidance!
    i got all the info and let the force be with u guys...

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