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Thread: No sides???

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    West Coast, Southern BC

    No sides???

    I appoligise to all because im sure this question, like most, has been asked and awnsered a million times. I searched and didnt find what I needed. Im coming up on two weeks into my winter bulker Test/Tren a/Dbol. I noticing some nice strength gains and a bit of weight, but I believe this is due to the dbol. 40mg ed for 4 weeks, just a kicker. The problem, i have experienced no common sides known to tren. Nothing. Tren is supposed to be a fairly quick acting drug, should I notice anything yet? Sorry, but a guy starts to wonder about the gear quality. I know its only shy of a few weeks, but whats your experiences. When, average, should a guy notice tren A at 50mg ed kick? Thanx. Im also a little guy, on average, 5'5 173 10%. cheers

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    did tren a for 2 weeks and thought the sides were bearable, just sweating. I bumped it to 100mg a day and within 6-8 days i couldnt sleep, couldnt walk up stepps without gasping for air, acne.

    why you useing a kicker with an ace ester and( im guessing here) prop ester?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    West Coast, Southern BC
    I have a proplem with prop, i cant use it. Im really sensitive even when cut 1 to 1 with cottonseed. Feels like someone smashed my ass with a sledge. Cyp is my next choice, so I threw in a little dianabol just to kick this off a little sooner. Its a first to tren and one of my close friends who is allot more exp than I said he quite like this stack. Allot of people seem to be 50/50 on the dbol though. Im just a little worried about the tren, thats all. Figured I would have noticed by now. Ill give it time, the hardest thing to be...patient.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    i didnt notice any sides until i uped the dose. Then it was impossible to sleep at night. Acne started...and i NEVER get acne. Even on tren its nothing to worry about. but still i noticed it.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    West Coast, Southern BC
    Im running 50md ed. As said, this is my first tren cycle. I think this dose is adequate. Its not like I want the sides but... ill give it another week and see where im at.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    im on 150mg eod, first time with Tren.. Been on around 2 - 2 1/2 weeks as well.. I have no insomnia.. Wake up with bad leg twitches, sweat some, definate experience tren cough, and out of breath worst than normal.. Did you buy yours or convert it? I used Finaplix..
    Last edited by duramaxedge; 11-27-2007 at 07:15 AM.

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