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Thread: What to run, to prevent TEST-SIDES

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2006

    Red face What to run, to prevent TEST-SIDES

    It's not a heavy cycle, just enough to help with lean muscle gains - with a solid diet plan.
    500mg TEST-CYP p/w

    Sides: Gyno, Hair loss, Libido Loss

    I was thinking of just running Nolva with it, but I was told two sides to that story - where as it could prevent gains, while only preventing gyno.

    What could I take for hairloss, I was GOING to use a solid DHT blocker, like Novedex XT (it's worked for me before) but now the GNC in my area doesn't carry it any longer. (recalled)

    Libido loss isn't something I should worry about with a 10 week cycle of such a low dosage, right?

    13.5% bf
    201 pds

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    yeah thats me in avvy
    Bro..previous cycles?? shouldnt have libido problems on this can wash your hair with NIOXIN shampoo ...have you had estrogen probs before??

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2007
    In my house
    The only problem I had is acne. A couple weeks past PCT and I still have it. It seems to get worse when you come off of it strangely enough. If you're anything like me, your libido will go through the roof along with your appetite. You'll be doing nothing but fvckin', strokin', eating, craping and lifting weights. lol

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    The South West
    I would got on the ar store and get some tamox(nolva), L dex(arimadex). Dont take anything until you see side affects. If side affects start run the tamox at 10-20mg per day. If they still dont subside run the arim at .25-.5mg a day. Also you can use these two substance for pct.

  5. #5
    Libido problems as in wanting to fvck everything in sight? I don't consider that a problem

    Hairloss- Nizoral 2% shampoo, Polyscorbate shampoo, spiro 5% cream, minoxidil & azalaic acid, dutasteride..just a few options

    Gyno- on 500 test you should be fine with .25mg adex ed

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    you shouldnt have any libido issues with test.. you should have a partial 24 hrs a day... Whats your previous experience man? are you gyno prone?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by buffgator View Post
    I would got on the ar store and get some tamox(nolva), L dex(arimadex). Dont take anything until you see side affects. If side affects start run the tamox at 10-20mg per day. If they still dont subside run the arim at .25-.5mg a day. Also you can use these two substance for pct.
    ^^^^ this is good advice

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    ldex is trash.. buy letro

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    I've ran Tren-Ace
    and a handfull of orals.
    Winny, Dbol, Anavar & Clen

    I'm PRONE... to hair loss.
    I got nothing but my balls disapearing, with my Tren Ace

  10. #10


    Quote Originally Posted by New2Anabolic View Post
    It's not a heavy cycle, just enough to help with lean muscle gains - with a solid diet plan.
    500mg TEST-CYP p/w

    Sides: Gyno, Hair loss, Libido Loss

    I was thinking of just running Nolva with it, but I was told two sides to that story - where as it could prevent gains, while only preventing gyno.

    What could I take for hairloss, I was GOING to use a solid DHT blocker, like Novedex XT (it's worked for me before) but now the GNC in my area doesn't carry it any longer. (recalled)

    Libido loss isn't something I should worry about with a 10 week cycle of such a low dosage, right?

    13.5% bf
    201 pds

    I would suggest an AI like Arimidex or Letrozole. Proviron does many great things during cycle including promoting great libido.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    An effective dose of Letrozole (Femara) is .25-.5mg/day (I use .25mgs/day), but be forewarned, if you go over that amount, it can kill your sex drive. Also worth noting is that thereĀ“s a rebound effect on your estrogen when you come off Letrozol. Maximum inhibition of the aromatase enzyme has been found to happen at doses as low as 100mcg! (2)

    Hey Duramax, that doesn't sound very good - although the positives are great, the negatives are everything that I'm not interested in.
    Is it oral?

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