Planning a trip to Mexico for spring break, I was hoping somebody could possibly show me how to go about getting some roids and either shipping them to myself, or anyother alternatives of getting them to me.
Planning a trip to Mexico for spring break, I was hoping somebody could possibly show me how to go about getting some roids and either shipping them to myself, or anyother alternatives of getting them to me.
do your homework on exactly what you want, dont buy just anything off the shelf, and forget about shipping it back to yourself. There are better ways to do this. Give me a pm
Remember even in mexico they are Illegal!
It is a very serious crime there. You can do some long prison time if they
want to throw the book at you. And if your from the usa, they will want
payoff money, big money, or you go to prison.
And if you get busted in mexico, you have no rights as a us citizen.
Unless you have an iron clad source there, your playing russin roullette.
But on a positive note, I hear they have improved the food in mexican prisons.
So your going to take a chance on buying bad gear, and take a chance to get busted.
also even if you do buy some gear and all goes well, you still have to get back over the boader.
And if you get busted coming into the USA with gear, BAM your life as you know it is over, PERIOD!
Most likely you will loose everything you have, plus there can be some big prison time to.
So you have to ask yourself, is it really worth buying some illegal Gear?
if you answer yes, then wear a sumbrao in the prison yard. I hear the sun is murder this time of year.
Peace Out.
dang.... i was planning a trip there also in the spring.. and was currious whats the best way to do this..
behind the wall they call it keistering your load. you put it in your ass. but seriously, a guy in my gym goes EVERY weekend and loads up, he goes to the veterinary clinics and he gets some pretty serious stuff. also, scroll down this page and youll see a thread about mexican gear and whats legit. good luck my friend.
WHEN DID THEY BECOME ILLEGAL IN MEXICO?????? I believe they are illegal if your an American for some funny reason. You can walk into any pharmacy and just ask, and you will receive you do not a rx. Now bringing em back well your on your own, keystering OUCH A 20 ml bottle wouldnt feel too good. I have several friends well 2 to be exact who have been caught crossing with gear. In fact one of them twice, no prison time but huge fines. As far you loosing everything, i wouldnt know they didnt have much to begin with. My theory is just bring as much as you need, dont bring back for your buddies or to try and profit from, its just safer. Also, when i find a great source for gear here in the US with real stuff, I avoid the drama and pay the 50% markup no need to drive down south, no need to wonder if they are real, and need to jam anything up your ass OUCH, F THAT DUDE...Whatever you decide becareful and good luck.
Bro I've bought gear in TJ a few times all you have to do is tape it to your leg and go over the border like you own the place then ship it when you get into the states but if you flying out of mexico you mine as well forget it. All the vet crap is fake so dont even mess with that you can get the redi-ject sustanon there preloaded shots you can also get some deca and other forms of test. A lot of the mexican gear is fake or underdosed I would try to find a good source in the states just stick around here long enough and do some more reading. But if your going to take the risk good luck.
Its up to them if you get busted.
Every official is on the take.
Ask yourself is it really worth it.
Remember if your from the usa, your going out of the States.
You have no RIGHTS Period.
Just do a search on the net about people being busted with roids in the usa.
And if you have enough gear on you, they can pop you for distrabution, OUCH! Then you can say, see ya.
Everyone makes there own choices in life.
Alot of people just think roids aint no big deal if they get caught.
Well the goverment thinks its a big deal, and thell be more than happy to educate people they catch.
Good Luck
Peace Out.![]()
Hold up lucky where did you get that information.
I just got back from Cabo a month a go, they were easy to find but there were definitely a ton of fakes especially QV. I brought back 7 10ml vials in my checked luggage, even got picked for the random ag check in customs and made it through fine. Just be smart dont pack them in the same place in the suitcase, spread them out. I put vials inside pill bottles like a tylenol bottle, make it so you have to open something else to find it. If for some reason they check your lugage (which is rare unless you are sweating like a pig) make your suitcase a pain in the ass to unpack and be near the front of the customs line when you get back so lots of people are waiting behind you and be calm. The key to smuggling anything is be ready to pay the price if you get caught, if that is something you cant do then dont do it.
Dont buy the preloaded one (unless you are rich) and do your research before you go and dont buy unless its the brand you came for.
Last edited by BigDog69; 11-28-2007 at 11:34 AM.
i wouldnt risk it bro. I think it very likely for the guy who sells it to you to go and tell the cops so he can get a share of the "payoff money" . Why would he not? Its not like he has to worry about repeat customers with all the stupid americans going down there every year.
I had a friend who wasnt even hurt detained by an ambulance crew and then by a "hospital" (if thats what you want to call it) unti his parents could pay 2k for his "injury". Ive been there multiple times, and from what i have seen the only rule is to get americans money.
I've maed a trip to Mexico.. it's simple. they don't check 98% of the cars so I just drove it back.;.. no keistering, no sombreros... and usually if the US Border patrol finds you with stuff they just confiscate it unless it looks like it's so much you were dealing.
What about just sending it through the mail when your there
then it has to go through customs.. you have a 50/50 chance of getting then
50/50 what about all the shit off of UGLs odds are a lot higher than that.
its not too hard to find a source here in the states bro! you just have to do your homework ... if you post like a newbie, then you'll get treated like one and noone will wanna mess with you ...
I took a vacation last yr in mid cycle to mexico, and just purchased what I needed there for that time frame of vacation ... so I wouldnt skip weeks!
then even though I had 2mls left whaeva, or a couple of tabs, i just threw them away and continued with my cycle here in the states ...
smugglin??? cmon' its like a 50/50% chance of getting caught just stealing a piece of bubble gum!
be wise
If you looked jacked then you have less then a 50/50 chance of getting across. Also, how many of the Graneros or farmacias are working with DEA and border patrol once you leave their shop. You think they dont get a kickback for helping fight the war on drugs?! Running stuff across the border was easy about 3 years ago, now its not it worth whether its $100 or $25k in gear. Find one of the few legit sources out there and hold on to them.....
wha? find a legit source out in Mexico and hold on to it. how?
I was considering this as an option, but doing anything shady in or around mexico creeps me out.
steroids are legal in mexico, but still the cops are a pretty crookid and will try to make a quick buck anyway they can. best bet is to go with someone who speaks spanish and knows the area a bit. say u do get rolled on by some cops just tell them you baught them for your horse, cow ect. worse they will do is get 20 bucks off u as long as your not being stupid or an asshole to them. but make sure u do go with someone that speaks spanish cause they do like to get a little overboard on peeps that dont speak the language
I Give up on this thread.
Peace Out..
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