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Thread: 2nd Cycle Comming Up - I want your opinion!

  1. #1

    2nd Cycle Comming Up - I want your opinion!

    23 Years
    181lbs @ 10% BF

    First Cycle (bulk): 500mgs Test E per week for 11 weeks
    Nolva + Clomid for PCT (5weeks)
    Results: Good, but I could have eaten better

    Second Cycle (bulk):

    Option A:
    Test E 600mgs/week (front load 1.2g week 1) apprx 10 weeks
    Dbol 30mgs/day 4 weeks

    Option B:
    Test E 600mgs/week (front load 1.2g week 1) apprx 10 weeks
    Anadrol 50mgs/day 4 weeks

    Option C:
    Test E 600mgs/week (front load 1.2g week 1) apprx 10 weeks
    Deca 400mgs/week (front load 800mgs week 1) apprx 8 weeks

    Option D: (Just because I want to put it out there )
    Test E 600mgs/week (front load 1.2g week 1) apprx 10 weeks
    Deca 400mgs/week (front load 800mgs week 1) apprx 8 weeks
    Anadrol 50mgs/day 4 weeks

    AI: Aromasin @ 12.5mgs/day can be increased to 25mgs/day if needed. Letro is on hand for any flair ups.

    PCT: Anthony Roberts PCT

    If I run the Deca, will 300mgs Vit. B6 be sufficient to block progest. type sides? Will I have to use caber? Any good sources (PM me)?

    Is it okay to use Nolva 4 weeks after I cut the deca, or should I wait for 5 weeks?

    Please ask any questions, or if you have any comments please post, I want to start within the next couple weeks.

    Thanks guys!
    Last edited by briancb1; 11-26-2007 at 11:12 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    The Nut House
    How about option E?
    - test +deca with no front load
    - dbol for kickstart

    As for your Qs:

    1. I kept bromo on hand for progesterone flare ups...luckily never had to use it. Dunno about b6 ... never tried it
    2. 4 weeks sounds okay..

  3. #3
    thanks for your input insane!

    why would you not frontload?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    My Guy's poophole
    Quote Originally Posted by briancb1 View Post
    thanks for your input insane!

    why would you not frontload?
    You have already Dbol to kickstart.

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