Thread: Cycle Questions
11-27-2007, 02:40 AM #1
Cycle Questions
This is the Cycle I am looking at doing in the far future but I am planning ahead...
The Cycle I plan to run looks like this:
Week 1-10 750mg a week Sust 250 EOD
Week 1-5 40mg D-Bol ED
Week 1-10 .025md Arimidex ED
For PCT Ill be Running the Anthoney Roberts PCT...
The Question I had was after week 5 and being done with D-Bol would it be dumb to add Anavar to my cycle for weeks 6-10 at 50mgs ED? Im just interested in the extra Strength Gains... What do you guys think?
A decent and simple 1st cycle (i assume).. don't complicate it with anavar or anything else....otherwise you won't be able to assess how exactly each compound effects your body... you could even make it a 12 weeker
11-27-2007, 02:58 AM #3
This is actually my second cycle I did one a few years back with just sust when i was young and dumb but i did get good results and kept most of my gains... Thanks for the fast reply insane!
11-27-2007, 11:43 AM #4
your actually doing 875mg of test a week. Thats quite alot for a second cycle
if you do run the var, run it from week 6-13
11-27-2007, 11:43 AM #5
and i would stop the dbol at wk 4
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