Thread: First Cycle questions.....
11-27-2007, 11:46 AM #1
First Cycle questions.....
I am a little over weight but will be dropping about 20lbs before getting started, I am currently 235lbs. 6'3" 24 years old. I have a long histroy of working out and have used many supplements (No2, creatine, testosterone boosters, ephedrine, many fat burners and other various things) so I have been researching for some time and have concluded on 2 steroids that seem to have the most appeal to me, I am not trying to get huge but instead add some solid muscle and strength and get ripped.
So I am looking at a 12 week cycle to get started like this:
sustanon 250mg 1 injection each week
winstrol every 3 days injected 50mg
For PCT I am thinking clomid starting a week or so after last injection taking clomid like this:
50mg/day for 1 week
100mg/day for 2 weeks
From what I`m reading this stack would be a relatively low risk cycle and reduce the chances of serious side effects. Is it enough to get good gains or should I be thinking about more sustanon?
11-27-2007, 11:54 AM #2
Not a good cycle for starters bro....sus is a compound which needs to be injected for than once a week...for optimal results......Winny IMO not needed for what you are looking for and as i feel isnt the best starters compound.IMO starting with a single evtered compound like Test E would be more practical....twice a week injects and it will keep your blood levels stable...500mgs a week split in 2 doses and agood nutrition program aswell as training should give you good results.
11-27-2007, 12:00 PM #3
I did sust once a week for me cycle, while I did gain allot, I held allot of water most likely from the big ups and downs of unstable test levels. It is possible, but like big max said, stable blood levels will treat you better. I dont think you need test e twice a week though. Once a week would treat you good.
11-27-2007, 12:02 PM #4
Well I could do 2 sutanon shots a week instead, but what is it about winstrol you dont think is good for someone starting out? I hear it is the best for getting ripped, maybe it would be something I could add in for the last 4 weeks of the cycle?
11-27-2007, 12:06 PM #5
listen to max & other experienced guys on this one... 1st cycles should be simple & basic.. test e would be perfect.. winny will only dry you out & probly make your joints hurt...mostly used pre-competition. start with one compound to see how you react to it & then make progressions forward with other types of compounds....
11-27-2007, 12:09 PM #6
with test e would I require estrogen treatment while on it or just pct?
11-27-2007, 12:09 PM #7
I meant something to prevent estrogen (clomid etc.)
11-27-2007, 12:17 PM #8
you would with sust also. Yes it would be very wise to have something on hand. Get some arimadex. If sides start to occur run it at .25mg ed, or .5mg eod. Aslo it can be used in your pct to help recover quicker. I would also run your clomid an minimum of 4 weeks. 6 would be even better.
11-27-2007, 01:25 PM #9
Dude, 250 of sus and 50mg of winny every 3rd day is not gonna do much for you, the doses are way to low and not frequent enough. Winny needs ed injections for best results and 0nce aweek injections for sust. is not enough. Just get some E or CYP and run it a 500mg per week for 12 weeks. Then a good pct. keep it simple bro
11-27-2007, 01:38 PM #10
ok so revising the cycle, I read further into the sustanon and see why it is best to listen to you guys so:
Testosterone Enanthate 250mg 2xWeek
I really wanted to try Winstrol in fact it was one of my main reasons for wanting to go for it after reading all the positives but I am willing to keep it simple for now maybe I`ll add it to my next cycle is every day really required with winstrol? I have read many things suggesting every other day or third day but not heard every day until now I must have been miss informed. Thanks for all the replies now I will just have to find a reputable source to get my gear.
11-27-2007, 01:49 PM #11
I think Test Prop is better imo but this is your 1st cycle and not use to too many pokes so Test E @500mg is good .split the dosage so shoot like tues n friday ...? Remember DIET RIGHT and right amount of cardio to stay lean / get ripped ! Good luck wit ur first n dont forget to add PCT
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