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Hey Guys Ive reading, researching and learing alot about Cycles and PCT I,ve been lifting weights for about 3 years now im 23 yrs Old, 185 pds, and have about 12% bf. I honestly dont wanna get big at all i really wanna just loose some body fat, get some mussle and ripped. I also made a big mistake by taking some deca alone like 2 yrs ago because i didnt know much about steriods and didnt do my research, I also feel ever since i did deca i have flappy nipples but i never got gyno and i would really like to prevent that,but this time around i did my research and plan on doing a 12 week cycle, i would like as many opinons as possible.
12 Week cycle Start
Testosterone "E" 250mg 2xWeek Mon & Thur
Winstrol every 3 days 50mg (Help me get cut)
For Pct Im thinking Clomid/Nolvadex or lectro ( Which is better?? Gyno Wise!)
50Mg-1ST Week
100Mg-Last 3 Weeks
Is this good enough or should i try something else can i get some answers and opinions!!!!!!