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Thread: winny & eq

  1. #1

    winny & eq

    I have read some threads where people have said no to running winny and eq. Lets see I'm 6'3 and 235lbs with a nice above average build not a bodybuilder by no means but nice. If I just wanted to rip what I already have and maybe just add a little bit more lean mass what would this cycle actually do

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    you want test in any cycle...if you just wanna rip up that is dependent on your diet mostly

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    I did that. You can get leaner and keep most of your muscle, but if your diet is on spot to lose fat, I doubt that you can add some more lean mass.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    The Nut House
    Quote Originally Posted by tintwiz View Post
    I have read some threads where people have said no to running winny and eq. Lets see I'm 6'3 and 235lbs with a nice above average build not a bodybuilder by no means but nice. If I just wanted to rip what I already have and maybe just add a little bit more lean mass what would this cycle actually do
    Considering you're on a caloric deficit, the EQ will harden up what you have and give you amazing vascularity... Winny would keep you dry (no bloat) and get you shredded and cut (both will preserve muscle). But like Hugosilva implied, these compounds are not really known for giving you mass while cutting, unlike tren.

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by tintwiz View Post
    I have read some threads where people have said no to running winny and eq. Lets see I'm 6'3 and 235lbs with a nice above average build not a bodybuilder by no means but nice. If I just wanted to rip what I already have and maybe just add a little bit more lean mass what would this cycle actually do
    a great cycle i often suggest is WINSTROL, DECA, and TEST E or PROP

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    I would atleast add a low dose of test about 250mg a week.

    Im on test e and EQ right now and start winny in a few weeks.. I cant wait

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