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Thread: Steriods ans Anxiety meds such as Clonzapam

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2007

    Steriods ans Anxiety meds such as Clonzapam

    Can anyone please inform me ASAP if I may take anxiety meds with steriods, I in a ways scared that something will happen.
    I take (clonzapan 0.5 MG) for anxiety and just pruchased 17-Methyl-dione Extreme Next Generation --
    Pro-Anabolic/Anti-Catabolic Agent
    Please get back to me, anyone. I would like to know if it's ok for me to take this NEW drug that I'm going to take.
    Last edited by infojluna; 11-27-2007 at 09:51 PM. Reason: Corrections

  2. #2
    Dizz28's Avatar
    Dizz28 is offline I reject your reality and substitute my own
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    Feb 2007
    there is no interaction other than your CNS being depressed. Might be counter active

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Do you happen to know some histroy of 17-Methyl-dione Extreme Next Generation --
    Pro-Anabolic/Anti-Catabolic Agent

    I just dont' want to start having seizures and stuff, I'm 24 years old with a wife and 2 kids, So I just want to know if it's ok to take

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    The Nut House
    When I was on tren, I popped clono like candy (1mg at night) just to fall asleep. Although it does suppress CNS, I never found it to interfere with the intensity of my workouts because its effect was probably being canceled out by the clen I was taking, which is a stimulant.

    But in your case, a dose of .5mg ED won't harm you, especially if you need it for your anxiety disorder. I am also tapering off clono now (down to .25mg ED) because it can be addictive and cause withdrawal symptoms when going cold turkey!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Is it known what 17-Methyl-dione Extreme Next Generation --
    Pro-Anabolic/Anti-Catabolic Agent

    If its good or anything

    I'm new to this kinda stuff

  6. #6
    lol nvm u cant pm

  7. #7
    bro ur just wasting ur money on that stuff... its not a steroid, its a bullshit supplement that wont do anything but make ur wallet empty... instead of wasting ur money on that garbage... do a proper 12 week cycle of test e with proper pct...

    and to ur question.. no u wont have any interaction... throw that shit way

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