I am starting my 2nd cycle in two weeks and just wanted some last minute input. I'm 25 yrs old, 233lbs, 6'1" - been training for 4 years.
1st cycle was test e 500mgs per week for 5 weeks but had serious reactions to that steroid. I then switched immediately to Omnadren 250 for the last 7 weeks. Had good results and retained some good size. Did the normal PCT and ran Nolva throughout cycle as I was prone to Gyno and had no symptoms at all with that cycle.
I bought more Omnadren and got a very good deal on some Deca so I thought I would run:
Weeks 1-11 Omnadren 500mgs/week
Weeks 1-10 Deca 450mgs/week
-With PCT as before starting 3 weeks after
In the summer I am going to do more of a cutting cycle so any suggestions for that would be appreciated also! Thanks for the help