Thread: Test-E cycle help.
11-28-2007, 07:03 PM #1
Test-E cycle help.
Hey all,
This is going to be my first cycle so I wanted to straighten some things out, and clear up some questions and confusion to make sure I do this right.
I`m 21, 215lbs, 19%bf. Currently i`m bulking eating 500 over maintainence (3,500cals) and i`m making good progress. When everything starts to slow down I was going to cycle:
Wk 1-10 500mg Test-E over two injections
Wk 10-12 250iu/day HCG
Wk 12-14 Clomid 100mg/25mg Aromasin
Now I looking at the Test-E studies, with the mass gained and fat loss. Now if at all possible I would like burn fat as well as gain mass, and since I have enough to give up. Given these circiumstances how would you alter the cycle? Is it a bad idea to want to build muscle while on test and try and burn fat through maybe T3 on the same cycle, or is that even needed or possible?
Also, how should I alter my diet from maintainence? The only reason I ask is because I keep hearing different things. Some say its a bad idea to build muscle and burn fat even under gear assistance, then studies show fat loss under certain AAS.
If i`m posting something that has been answered a hundred times, just shut me down and i`ll keep looking. However, any input is appreciated.
11-29-2007, 10:41 AM #2
you should wait a bit lose some bf with good diet and cardio then start cycle....your pct looks to short should be 4-6 weeks imo
11-29-2007, 10:50 AM #3
^^^he's right...try bringing your BF downa bit BEFORE starting your course bro....cut that 500 cals and do a few cardion sessions a week and see how you on that...your Test E course sounds good and you wont need any T-3 IMO...when you go ON cycle bring your calories up but continue cardio 3 times a week...remember you want to gain muscle not just unwanted weight.
11-29-2007, 12:25 PM #4
Hmm, you guys are probably right. I was just getting ahead of myself since I just started back after some time off, and muscle memory was letting me do both at the same time to some extent. I know it`s not going to last though, so I guess its time to hit the bikes.
11-29-2007, 12:30 PM #5
Oh, I also wanted to ask. Is 10wks too short to consider HCG ? I`ve heard some on the forum say they didn`t need it, but i`m not exactly sure how supressed my lh will be. Is it user specific, and will my "male parts" return to normal size after a good pct?
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