Thread: Interesting article
11-29-2007, 06:15 PM #1
Interesting article
Article from the Dec 2007 issue of Muscular Developement, Future Pharmacy, Douglas S Kalman, PhD, RD, FACN; pg 196.
"Longer Lasting Testosterone ...Almost Here!"
Indevus Pharmaceuticals Inc., a US-based firm, has announced that the FDA is reviewing its new drug application for the testosterone drug Nebido. Nebido is an intramuscular steroid intended to be used in men with primary and or secondary hypogonadism.
According to Indevus, each 1,000mg injection of Nebido(testosterone undeconoate) would be provided once every 12 weeks, as compared with the current injectable therapies that typically require an injection every 2-3 weeks. This past June positive Nebido news was also released to the FDA. Outside of the US, Nebido is sold by Bayer Schering. This is a very exciting drug to watch. It only has to be injected once every 12 weeks. Watch for this one on both the black and legit markets.
Totally unrelated to Nebido is that John Hopkins University is conducting a study using testosterone replacement for treatment of certain types of pain(back pain). Look for Dr. Jin Lee- (410) 614-4263- if you live in the Baltimore, Maryland area and are a male suffering from back pain.
Strakan Pharmaceuticals is also offering Fortigel(2% testosterone) via a study on hypogonadism in the US. To be part of this study, you basically need a total (not free) testosterone level of <300mg/dl twice or at least below 250mg/dl once. Call Parexel at (574) 287-2338 if you think you would benefit from testosterone replacement. This Fortigel is double the strength of other testosterone gels or lotions and is supplied in half the volume.
Ardana Bioscience is another boutique pharmaceutical company that has developed an anabolic therapy. Their testosterone drug is called ARD-0403. This drug company is based in the U.K. and ARD-0403 is known on that side of the pond. Watch for it to come to these shores before long.
Hi Chuck Redhill
Did you see this??
11-29-2007, 06:42 PM #3
Thanks Merc....I keep forgetting about Anthony's Injected articles...He puts things in a whole new light...
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