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Thread: Spring Break Cycle Help

  1. #1

    Spring Break Cycle Help

    This my 3rd cycle. My last was Dbo/Test/Deca/Winny. Good results around 190. I am looking to start a cycle in the new year that will end right up to spring break where Im sure I will be drinking some.
    The point is to get as MUCH lean mass and cut up especially towards the end.
    Here goes:

    Test Ent. or Cyp. 1-12
    EQ 1-12
    Dbol 1-4
    Fina 1-6
    Test. Prop. 10-14
    Winny 10-14
    Arimidex 1-14
    ALA, M.T. etc throughout.
    Recover couple days after Winny.

    What do you guys think. I value your opinion more than my own about these things. Any advice or personal experiences are welcome.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    You wont need to overlap the test ent/cyp with prop during the weeks 10 to 12. Move the fina towards the end of cycle along the lines of the winny. Other than that I like it.

  3. #3


    So are you saying cut out the prop. completely or just run for 12-14?
    Also, at first I did plan on running the fina at the end for cuts but I read that for most results come around week 4 of it. So at the end of the cycle is kind of pointless or am I off base?

    Thanks for the reply MindBomb!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    I think you should end the cyp/enat around the week 10 and start on the prop. Your test level wont go off so you won't need an extra 4 weeks to feel the effect of the prop. And prop shows its effect pretty much from the getgo. If anything by switching to prop at week 11, it will elevate your test level.

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